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There is a soft knock on the door, interrupting my laughter. "Can you get that?" Dani asks from behind a barrier of clothes. Still giggling, I make my way over to the door and open it. My eyes meet with blue ones . 

Wow, no sunglasses for once? It's a miracle. 

When I say blue, I mean his eyes were blue. Not blue like the ordinary sky blue or the little indigo flowers that spring up on the side of the road. His eyes were blue like the sea- crystal clear blue- shimmering and crashing and churning. Looking into his eyes I could almost hear the waves crashing on the shore and see the foam flying into the air. Too bad this eye contact only lasted for a split second, but for that split second I was hypnotized. He slides past me and inside. 

I shut the door behind him and don't say a word. The last thing I want to do today is talk to him and confront his bad attitude. He really needs to take care of that. 

"Where's Dani?" He asks. "Back here!" Dani says while finally coming out of the closet with a black minidress and a pair of thigh high boots. "Here." She says while handing them to me. I take them gladly and lay them beside the rest of my purchases. I completely ignore Andy's prescense and continue to put up clothes. "How are you feeling?" He asks her. "Okay, mostly." She replies. "I told you you should have paid her back." Andy snaps. "Sorry, I'm not a rich snob like you." She snaps back to him.

 "Yeah, I'm rich enough that I paid her for you." He says while crossing his arms. My lips parted in shock as I hung up a pair of shorts, pre Dani gasped also. "You paid her?" She asks. "Yes, I did." She drops her snappy attitude and sighs. "Thank you. You didn't have to do that." She goes in for a hug, but he brushes her away. "There's no need for that." Even though she's thanking him, he's still showing no emotion. I'm starting to think he has no soul. "Oh, okay." She says quietly. "Yeah. That's all." Andy says while walking do the door, but he stops in his tracks

"By the way Scarlet, I had a lot of fun last night after I got back to the frat house. And are these new clothes?" He asks.

 I see Dani smile out of the corner of my eye. She must have the same thought as me. I try to hold in my laughter, he doesn't know that I know he's lying. That really shows that most of the time he's trying to agitate me. I don't say anything because I want him to think he's really affecting me, but in reality he's not.

 "Yes." I reply shortly. "Thank God." He says while walking over to the remaining clothes on the bed. "You might actually look attractive for once." He says. "Yeah, you should probably go get new clothes too. You might actually look attractive then also." I bite back with a smile. 

"At least I'm not a virgin." He growls. "Wow, are you on your period? Or are you just a jerk?" I ask him because of his rude behavior. "I'm just myself." He smiles while pulling out a cigarette, of course.

"Do you guys want to go to dinner tonight?" Dani asks while cutting into our conversation. "Where?" Andy asks. "Anywhere." She replies. "Um, okay." He replies. "You're coming." Dani says while pulling on my hair. "As long as it isn't another party." I mutter. Andy laughs, "Dani, you should have seen her last night. She was getting totally wild. I mean absolutely uncontrollable. She was sleeping in my room the majority of the night." He explains. Dani stifles a laugh. "I was tired, okay?" I defend myself. "There was a guy that was trying to grind on her. You should have seen her face." Andy laughs once again. Dani laughs audibly this time. "Girl!" She shoves me and I stumble. "I didn't know." I blush and giggle in embarrassment at the thought. That was an uncomfortable and completely unexpected situation. 

As Andy continues to explain my 'wild night,' I finish hanging up my clothes. "Come on, change into some stuff so we can go eat. You've got to wear something you bought though." Dani says while pushing me into the closet and closing the door. "Where are we going?" I ask through the door. "No where fancy." She replies. I shrug and slip on a tight fitted crop top and some ripped jean shorts. I decide to pair it with some converse to keep the laid back look. I step out of the closet and grab my new pair of sunglasses off of my bed. "Damn girl, that ass." Dani laughs lightly. "Stop!" I reply while pulling my hair in a messy bun, freeing one hand to swat her lightly. My eyes flash to Andy, and it seems like he's paying no attention to me at all. 

Oddly, I feel a bit disappointed, but I brush it off. Why do I feel this way> "So, hamburgers?" Dani asks. "Sure." I agree and Andy mutters something also. THe fact that he never speaks up annoys me. I grab my small purse and follow Andy and Dani out the door. By the time I lock the door, they're already down the hall laughing about something that happened at a party, I'm sure. Andy glances back at me to make sure I'm following along, and I roll my eyes slightly. I change my focus to my phone as we ride down the elevator. 

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