~Chapter Ten~

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•Point of view: Percy•

I walked through a human city, seeing the snow fall on the darkened street. Let me set one thing right. Humans are filthy and some have even tried to capture many of us. We didn't kill, hurt or kidnap them p, but they always would come after us if they could see through the mist.

I sensed someone behind me, as I went through an ally.

"Give me your wallet or I will shoot!" I heard.

"You have chosen the wrong person to rob." I say grinning.

"I've got the gun idiot, so better give me the stuff I want, or I will shoot."

"I don't have anything, except for one thing." I said

"And what is that?" He asked.

I grinned, as I rushed to him, and grabbed him by his neck, and threw him to the the wall.

"Your death."


I walked into the Monster Donut shop, and went to the place to order.

"Could I have a V.I.M. Monster size donut." I asked.

The woman looked to me, smiled, and the said that I had to follow her, she opened a door.

"Your order will be there in a minute." She said, as I entered the room. From here on I saw The Minotaur and a emposai sitting together.

"What you guys doing?" I asked as I walked to them.

The emposai looked up. "We are going to hunt down Percy Jackson down, we will take revenge in him for what he did to us."

I smiled. "I wish you much luck on your hunt." I said. "But do you know where camp half-blood is? I'm new to the killing part alone, unusually run with the pack."

The Minotaur looked up. "Sure thing kid." He grunted, as he took out a compass from his bag. "This will lead to camp half-blood, but, put the compas back in the bag, and it will return back to me."

I smiled. "thank you, may your hunt be swift." I said as I walked to the exit, with the bag over my shoulder. Half way I stopped, took the donut from the employee, and got ready for a long run.

"No more hiding demigods, you will all be dead soon, and I will, have my revenge." I whispered, as I started running.

Sorry for the wait, Wednesday was a school project, and yesterday I went to Germany, so i will try to update twice today.

Percy Jackson The Son of Lyacon जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें