~Chapter Twenty Five~

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•Point of view: Third Person•

Hylla let out a frustrated groan, as she saw how many Amazons were hurt or killed. She should of stationed more guards before the door. She had seen how good Percy was in battle, and now as a werewolf, he was much stronger, and mostly more dangerous. He fought gods and titans. How had she ever thought that two guards before his door would stop him? And the worst part is that she had contacted his father, Poseidon, and when he saw this she had much to explain.

"Hylla, Queen of the Amazons I suppose?" A male voice said from behind Hylla.

Hylla gave a small groan, and turned around, greeting the Greek god of the sea. "My lord," She said politely. "I'm sor-"

"You said that you had my son, correct?" The sea god interrupted.

Hylla had never really feared much, but the wrath of a god was not something she wanted to have, it would be an ill for her people.

"Yes." She stated boldly, trying to find a way to break it to him, what a goddess had already tried to do, and tell him he was a werewolf. And also that he had escaped. Mostly the last part.

"Good, bring me to him, it has been to long since I have seen my son." The sea god said with cheer in his voice.

Hylla stammered. "I am sorry to inform you that last night, h-he escaped. T-these Amazons fought back bravely, b-but were wounded.

Poseidon's expression grew darker, as a few Amazons slowly backed off.

"Lies." The, now angry, sea god said. "These are claw marks, not sword marks."

You could literally see Hylla sink into the ground. "A-and h-he is a-a werewolf."

Well, so much for the saying; "Don't blame the messenger."

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