~Chapter Twenty Three~

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So I need to get two things straight.
1. Sorry, yes this is late and probably short too.
2. I check the stats if this book, and there are people reading this from South Africa! Who out to the people from South Africa! Comment it here if you are from South Africa!

•Point of view: Third Person•

The moon chariot was at its highest, shining majestically over the land, giving glimpses of what lurked in the dark, also what was camping out in the wild. Close to the sea, a camp with silver tents was spread around the area, giving a random formation, but all centring around an even larger silver tent.

The water in the sea started bursting up, as a figure started arising out of the sea. Slowly, the figure started walking to the camp of silver tents, and when the figure arrived, it started shrinking into a more human like form and size. It was nobody else then Poseidon, the god of the sea.

The moment moment he walked into the camp, a few girls in silver and with hunting bows stood before him.

"Who are you and what do you want?" One of them asked with a harsh tone.

The eyes of Poseidon glistened as if there were a thousand storms in it. "Be careful to whom you speak mortal. I must talk to Artemis."

The hunters backed of, fearing the mighty sea god, but still giving him glares. One of the hunters pointed to the large tent. "That way." She said glaring. The hunters backed off and returned to their posts, but kept a watching eye on the intruder.

After a short moment of walking, the god of the sea stood before the tent of the maiden goddess. In a matter of seconds he was inside the tent glaring daggers at Artemis. Quickly she dismissed her Lieutenant, which was fairly stunned at the sight of Poseidon being so angry, but quickly left the tent, and started fulfilling Artemis' orders. She quickly walked to her tent, and checked up on the know six year old Zoë. Artemis looked questioning at Poseidon.

"What do you want Poseidon?" She asked.

"You have searched for years for my son, and yet you have not found him. Monsters you track down in days, and yet one half-blood of the big three is too difficult to find?" He said nearly in a frenzy. "The Amazons have not tried to search for him, and yet the Amazonian Queen has found my son."

"Oh." Artemis said frankly, surprised. "When are you going to get him?" She asked, hoping that she could find a way to tell him that his son, wasn't quite his son anymore.

"Tomorrow, I have an important meeting which I can't miss, otherwise I would be going now." He said, giving one last glare. "Next time I need something tracked, I will do it myself." He said, and with that he disappeared.

Artemis groaned. Poseidon wasn't going to be happy when he saw Percy.

Yup, looooong over due, but here it is!
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With five votes, I will do everything in my power to update a few days earlier.

Percy Jackson The Son of Lyacon Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora