~Chapter Thirty Five~

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•Point of view: Third Person•

After Marlin gave up using his secrets, he started limping, away, walking towards where Lyacon was. He would try to escape if the opportunity showed, which wasn't likely. After a few minutes of limping in front of the hunters, he smelled a scent of a different werewolf. He halted, and held up his hand, signing to stop. With haste, an arrow was shot between his feet to show that they would not wait.

He glared at the hunters, receiving Aron heads in front of his eyes. "There's another werewolf here, I have to make sure we can pass." He said, as he slowly started walking towards the other werewolf.

Unknown to him, the hunters would kill the werewolf, passing the outpost or not.

Marlin quickly saw a female werewolf sitting on a log, clearly waiting for him.

"You got to run and tell Lyacon!" He whispered. "The hunters aren't even ten meters away."

She nodded, but with a completely uninterested face. "I know. And that is why I came here." She said, as she stood up and walked over to him. "I have orders from Lyacon."

Ma lin smiled, but was still confused. "What are your orders?" He asked.

She smiled. "To kill you." She said, as she twisted her arm around his neck and started strangling him. "We can't show our position now, can we?" She stopped strangling him, and let him fall on the ground. "It would be a shame." And with that she moved her foot up, and smashed it down onto Marlins face, pushing his bones from his nose into his brain, killing him efficiently.

With that she left and ran away, treading carefully and making sure the hunters could not follow her.

A moment after she disappeared, a hunter came out of the bushes. Following the hidden trail of the werewolf. A meter behind her, other hunters started appearing out of the bushes, it letting anything over for chance.

Percy Jackson The Son of Lyacon حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن