~Chapter Fourty~

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Half dis chapter be A/N, so soz.

•Point of view: Perseus•

After running for a while, a sudden pain flashed through my body, as if I was drowning underwater, unable to get out. Quickly, I try to regain my posture, but before I could it happens a second time. The pain that it gave me felt so familiar, but yet so unfamiliar all the same, thinking back, trying to relocate when that would have possibly happened before. Suddenly, memories started flashing through my mind, which where so familiar, but so unfamiliar.

My breath becomes irregular as new memories come seeping in, leaving me haunted with so many unfamiliar familiarities.

How did I ever get into this situation, after being betrayed by Poseidon, my father, and now roaming around as a werewolf?

Wait. Poseidon was my father? Thinking back, I did have clear memories of him being my father, and Sally Jackson, being my mother. On the other hand, I also had clear memories that my mother was Lupa. Yet, I was told that Lyacon was my father.

A father who wanted to kill me, yes.

I was deep in thought when I heard familiar voices. My mind labelled them as Thalia and the hunters, also, they most certainly did not like males. An in the current situation, I am a naked male, in the woods. Quickly I start running in the opposite direction, trying to lay a much distance as I could between me and them.

May seem little, bus school is killing me, and I really need to get it back on tracks, and a certain person didn't spam update in dm's as I asked them too, I also have two things I want to mention.

#1 because I am close to 250 followers, I want to do a QnA, so if you have a question, comment it here.

#2 Recently I have picked up contact with an old friend, we haven't really had a chance to talk, but I belüge when we do really get to talk and stuff like that, all will come well. The problems are, I haven't seen here for at least five years, but brief moments of contact have been made. She is a girl, and I'm a boy, and since I'm already not all too social (I don't really have friends since we moved) , and I'm not good in talking with boys, and most certainly not girls. (I'm not trying to get into a romantic relation ship. 1, We aren't really friends anymore, because we lost contact, and 2 we love in different countries 3, I'm pretty sure we both want to be friends, even though we haven talked a lot the last few years.) So if anybody has any tips to re-establish our friendship, I would be great full.

Percy Jackson The Son of Lyacon Where stories live. Discover now