~Chapter Fifteen~

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I love writing in 3rd POV for a reason.

Totally not making a hole new plot twist in this chapter.

•Point of view: Third Person•

The bright red werewolf sat in its den, that was located close to an exit of the labyrinth.

"Titan spawn." He grumbled. Even though most monsters would side with titans or primordials, but werewolves didn't pick sides, they simply attacked on their kings commands.

Little did he know that he wasn't the only one in that part of the labyrinth.

"Take one step out of that camp and I wi-" he said, but stopped as he headed footprints.

A group of girls where swarming that part of the labyrinth, slowly surrounding the beast as it slowly tried to stand up, hoping the wound wouldn't reopen.

"Show yourselves!" He muttered, as he started seeing more and more movement in the shadows.

The son of Lynacon moved, as he neared a small dart get shot out of a gun, but it was to late, the small dart had got to its destination. He looked at it.

"It will take more then a tranquilliser to take me down." He grunted, as he slowly started walking towards the place it was shot from.

A second dart flew at him, with the beast not even dodging it, rendering at as harmless. He looked at it, and tried to pull it out, as his vision became fuzzy.

"Speak only when spoken to." Where the last words he heard.

"How much was there in the second dart?" A girl asked to another.

"Enough to take down an elephant."  She said. "Get it in the cage, I'm not sure how long we can keep it asleep. Load it up Amazons!"


Th amazons quickly got to their base. They would never have captured the werewolf if it wasn't for the rumours that it was located close to Camp half-blood.

While the werewolf was in the cage, a slightly scared growl came out of its mouth. Nobody noticed that the werewolf was dreaming, and that it wasn't a pleasant one.

"No one ever even liked you Perseus! You have no friends!" Went through his mind, getting images of when it happened. There where familiar faces, which he hade the feeling he had seen serving his father.

The image changed, as he now was standing in front of a mortal home. "be silent you fools." He heard someone behind the door say. "I told you you he would come," with a pause in it. "We will kill them now" then He started thrashing the door, He heard a scream. Two screams. "No no no" He muttered. While getting slashes of a pregnant woman and a man, who I thought I knew.

"Something is definitely not right." He thought, still in his dream.

Eh, could be betah, and the test week is nearly over! Soon I will update as usually!

Percy Jackson The Son of Lyacon Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora