~Chapter Two~

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•Point of view: Percy•


Come on....


Just a little longer...


If I can get get my arm out I can fight back...

I stoped hitting the chains, and listened, and heard people coming.

They are to early.

The door opened, and a person came in.

"Remember me?" A female voice said. "You where the first to defy me, you where the first to get a upper hand in battle* against me.

I lifted my head. "You where the leader of the group who kidnapped me."

She smiled. "Isn't that nice? You remember me!"

Four men came in and took of the chains, but where holding my arms and legs with an extremely strong grip, so that I couldn't move. Moments later I was in a different cell, tied up to the wall, with my hands and legs tied up in an X formation.

"Lyacon has tortured you in so many different ways, yet he hasn't been able to break you, but I know exactly how, I know exactly the one untainted thing precious thing you have. That is what I'm going to take from you" she said smiling.

"What can you do that he hasn't done to me?" I asked, thinking about what Lyacon hadn't done to me, -his tortures where horrible, but if she can do what he can't...-

"I'm going to do something only a woman can do to you."

I looked at her. "You wouldn't...." I said more trying to reassure myself.

"There you are wrong, I would, and I will."


Kayyy........ I'm gonna end it here, I can't write this stuff. Nope nope nope nopety nope.

Percy Jackson The Son of Lyacon Where stories live. Discover now