~Chapter Three~

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•Point of view: Percy•

Tears dropped of my face, and fell on the ground, as I thought what had happened.

"Well well well, if I knew that would break you, I would have done it along time ago." I heard Lyacon say.

"Just leave me alone Lyacon.... haven't you done enough?" I replied, still feeling horrible.

"Quite the opposite, I think this was fantastic... and now there is one thing left to do."

I looked up. "If your gonna kill me, do it, there's no point in life now anyway."

He left the room, while whispering: "That's where you are wrong, I'm not going to kill you, you're going to kill for me."


It had been hours since Lyacon left the room, with me still pondering what he meant. I hadn't moved from where I was then, because there was no reason for it. There wasn't a reason for anything anymore. I heard nothing, because there was nothing to hear except me breathing, till I heard footsteps. I waited for the door to open. Lyacon walked in like he was going to feed some ducks. -even that would be weird for a werewolf to do.-

"Feeling well Perseus?" He asked as he sat down.

I looked at him with eyes that had no spark of life in them. "What do you want from me Lyacon?"

"I think you know what I want, but that's not what we are going to talk about." He smiled. "What color do you want your room to be?

I looked at him like he was completely mad. He just smiled. "Well then I think that red and black would be nice, it matches your fur, don't you think?"

I frowned. "What are you talking about?" I asked Lyacon.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you know, you won't remember this conversation anyway." He said. "I need a warrior, and that warrior will be you. You will have 'amnesia' and become my ultimate weapon. But I will need to gain your trust. So I'm making preparations "

"Don't you dare do anything to my memories, to many have done that to me."

Lyacon looks at me. "You are in no position to order me. There are two ways this can go. The easy, or the hard way. Now chose: easy or hard."


Of course is had to chose the hard way. I had claw marks all over my chest, even though they quickly healed, it hurt a lot. "I told you that it would be easier if you just told me everything." Lyacon said smiling as he had completed his task. "In a matter of minutes, everything will be near perfect, and then I will make you do what I want you to do."

"You can't force me to do anything Lyacon, I will always fight back, and I will not let some monster make me in to a killer machine." I said, as I tried to blow a hit on him, but my chains kept me back.

"Now now, that isn't very nice," he said, as a few guards came in, and one of them handed him a cup, filled with black liquid. The guards pinned me down, and forced my mouth open. Lyacon stepped closer, and poured the black liquid in my mouth. Sputtering I tried to get it out of my mouth, but failing miserably. The last words I heard where Lyacon saying that the river Lethe would do its job.


"Hello?" I neared someone say. I opened my eyes and saw a man with multiple heavily armored men standing next to him. "Are you alright Perseus? You had quit a fight, one of them got a blow to your hea-" I stood up and looked around the room. "Where am I? Who am I? Who are you?" Lots of questions went through my head. "I think you just forgot everything, I will answer all your questions Perseus, your are in our home, and I am your father, Lyacon. There was an attack of some wolves of Lupa, they heart you badly, but you will be alright, any further questions I will answer soon."

Sorry for the half-late update, but here it is, don't forget to:

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Percy Jackson The Son of Lyacon Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora