~Chapter Nineteen~

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•Point of view: Third Person•

Thalia had dismissed the hunters, as they where now aloud, to practise their archery, sleep, or doing anything they want, as long as they kept hurting the males at a minimum. Thalia walked around Camp half-blood, until she saw a familiar satyr sleeping, spluttering something about coffee and cans.

Thalia walked to him, and shook him till he woke up. "Grover" she said, as his eyes slowly opened. "How's it been?" She asked.

Grover stood up, yawned, and then replied. "Hey Thalia!" He said, as he looked at Thalia's silver outfit. "Since when do you wear that?"

Thalia frowned. "Grover, I joined the hunters remember?"

Grover looked confused for a moment, and then he slowly started nodding. "Yea, I remember that! You joined them because you didn't want to be the demigod of the prophecy." He said, as he started walking into the woods.

Thalia looked at Grover suspiciously. "Are you okay Grover?" She asked.

Grover turned around and nearly looked surprised. "Hey Thalia, it's been ages since I have seen you!"

"Okay, that's it." She said, as she grabbed him, and walked into the woods. "You are acting strange."


After a short walk they ended up at Junipers tree. The moment they arrived, Juniper appeared, and looked at Thalia and Grover questioning.

"Hey Thalia." Juniper said, as she jumped down her tree.

"Hey Juniper." Thalia replied. "Do you know what's up with Grover?"

She answered like it was a normal day thing. "Other then him acting weird? Nope." She said. "He's been like that for two years now."

Thalia nods. "Weird." She said. "I need to go, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid, alright?"

Juniper nods, and with that Thalia leaves


When Thalia arrived back at the cabin, she checked up on little Zoë. The little child was sleeping peacefully. She wanted to go back out, and practise her archery, but she heard a sound, like someone just fell face first on the floor. She walked around the corner, and saw Nico slowly standing up, blood dripping out of his nose. Thalia frowned.

"Where did you come from?" Thalia asked, as Nico abruptly looked at her.

Nico became pale. "Please say this isn't Artemis' cabin."

Thalia shrugged. "This is Artemis's cabin."

Nico immediately ran to the closest wall, traveling away through the shadows. Thalia walked outside of the cabin, and saw  that Nico had fallen out a shaded tree. Nico stood up, and started walking to the infirmary, very know and then mentioning something about his 'bloody nose.' Shortly after, Mrs. O'Leary with Will on her back, came out of the forest. Nico jumped off Mrs. O'Leary, and ran to him, scolding him for something he had done. Thalia laughed, Nico had a story to tell, and it probably had something idiotic in it,

Sorry, this is looooooooong overdue (wanted to fill like a hole paragraph of O's but I was like nah(useless info be like)) oh, by the way, we reached a hundred followers today!

Next time: more about Percy, and maybe something about a certain female werewolf having some.... issues.

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