Rose's P.O.V

This happens every time I try to hang out with my sis. Misa comes and gets in the way. I can understand they're roommates, but with the way she acts. Always crying, whining and clinging to sis....It makes me think they're more than just roommates. If that's the case I wish they'd just tell me. It's not like I wouldn't support them or anything.

I've never seen Koneko with a male before, and every time one tries to talk to her, she shoots them down. It's never gently either, in fact I think she gets off on being cruel to them at times. I know she likes to troll people and she has a bit of a devilish side, it comes out every time she smirks. That's how I know she's up to something. Maybe she dislikes males? No that's not it, she's just very picky about whom she befriends. Then again why is she even friends with such an annoying childlike female. She hates annoying people with a passion.

I think to myself while looking for something to wear. After maybe 30 minutes I give up, *face turns up in disgust as she eyes one hideous dress after another, clothes rustling, random giggles and people chatting* I don't really see what's the big deal about us finding outfits to go clubbing. *opens the door, is greeted by a rush of cold winter air, brrrr, starts speed walking* Heck I don't even really want to go, but I was invited and already said I would go. Maybe I can get away with wearing my normal clothes....Koneko did say it wouldn't matter what we wore. I've got 30 minutes before meeting up with the girls at the cafe. Might as well check out them new headphones I saw on sale and maybe read some random fanfics.

*random couples chatting and holding hands, old friends laughing, horns blaring, people rushing by, knocking into each other, snow falling softly*

Finally reaching the cafe *quickly steps towards the door and opens it, bell chimes, walks in full, quickly looks around* I notice that Koneko and that annoying bitch...erm I mean Misa are already there. The annoying female, that is dressed in white ruffle sleeved shirt with a black corset over it, matching black collar, purple frilly gothic styled skirt, striped white and purple thigh high stockings and white heeled boots was STILL latched onto the scarlette. If she could get any closer I swear she'd be in her lap or joined at the hip. *Smiles sympathetically at the gold, black, and white streaked redhead, nods at the straight shoulder length haired blonde* "Have you two ordered yet?" I ask politely and get no response from the blonde

*grunts and tries to pull her arm free....only to have it snatched up again, chuckles at the scene before joining them at the table*

"No hon, we were waiting for you" *rolls eyes, mumbles about how this is the lamest date she's  been on and how she wishes to be alone or in bed, Red eyebrow arches questionably at the grumpy pouting blonde* I sigh as I look at the two. It's clear Misa doesn't want me here or to have anything to do with me. I'm only in town for the holidays. After that I'll be back going to the states to hold down the fort until Zia I mean Koneko comes back. So it's not like I'll be taking her away forever or something, besides she was my friend first.....

*heavy sighing, gently tries pulling arm free, clings more, grunts, pulls more, presses breasts against, harder pulling, pulls back and nuzzles shoulder...growls...yanks arm free*

"I'll be right back alright. You two behave and by you two I mean YOU *points and rises an eyebrow* Miss grumpy butt" *gasp overly dramatically, while faking innocence, batting her long blonde lashes* stated Koneko as she got up and walked away. Oh come on now! Don't leave me alone with this devil woman! I wonder where she is going...Maybe to find us a waiter or something?

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