We arrived at the resort and while mom and dad were checking in at the lobby, I noticed two males entering the doors. Yongguk and I both widened our eyes once we saw each other. When Yongnam saw me, he raised his hand to wave and was about to say 'hi,' but Yongguk quickly covered his mouth. My brother was right next to me, so I did whatever to avert his attention.

"C'mon mom and dad are at the elevator." Jinyoung grabbed my hand and started walking to our parents.

I felt a buzz from my pocket and checked to see my texts.

Yongguk: you look cute in your beanie

I beamed and looked over my shoulder, but when I made eye contact with Yongguk, he looked away shyly.

After putting our stuff in our hotel rooms, we were finally out on the snow. I wanted to be able to spend time with Yongguk now, so I texted him where we should meet.

Jieun: let's meet at the chair lift

"Jieun, let's go to the chair lift! I've been waiting to use my new snow board!" Jinyoung said from behind.

"Ahh Jinyoung," I grimaced, "Just go with dad so he won't have to ride all alone. I'll go by myself." I pointed over to where dad was and left to go meet Yongguk.

I spotted Yongguk in line for the chair lift and tapped his shoulder once I was behind him. "Hi." When he turned around, I tiptoed to give him a quick kiss.

"Hi." He said back, trying to hide his blush. "Y-your brother isn't around, is he?"

"Nope. I sent him go to hang out with my dad. What about your brother?"

"Last I saw of him, he was talking to some girl."

The queue was moving pretty fast and then it was finally our turn to ride on the chair lift. Once we sat down we began to elevate a couple hundred feet into the air. The higher you went, the more wind you could feel hitting your face.

"It's cold, isn't it?" Yongguk asked as the snow fell on us.

"Yeah." I replied, rubbing my mitten-covered hands together. Before I knew it, Yongguk reached out and held my hand with his.

I looked down at the snow covered trees that were below us and smiled. Everything would have been romantic if I didn't have dirty thoughts about Yongguk running through my mind 🌚

I closed my eyes and started to hit the side of my head with my fist when Yongguk asked, "Is something wrong?"


We got to the top of the snow hill and while Yongguk snowboarded down, I skied. (a/n* I had to look up the past tense of ski because it looks so weird haha)

At the bottom of the hill, we started to play in the snow. Yongguk threw a snowball at me, so of course, I had to sneak up on him and drop a bunch of snow inside his jacket.

"Ahh," Yongguk groaned as he tried to get all the snow out of his clothes. "You're so mean, why do I like you?" He hastily closed his mouth after realizing what he had said.

I couldn't help but laugh, but I just played it off. "Because. You think I'm cute."

He stayed silent, but attempted to hide a smirk. So I just threw more snow at his face. While he was busy brushing the snow off, I checked my phone for any messages, and of course, there was one from Jinyoung. "It looks like I have to go now. My family is wondering where I went."

Once I turned around to leave, Yongguk reached out to grab my hand. "Oh hold on. Will you be busy later tonight?"

"Tonight? I'm not sure. I don't think so."

bang yongguk + song jieun | bangsongजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें