«chapter twenty-one: missing»

Comenzar desde el principio

"How dare you speak that way to the Master." She sneers as her nails dig into the sides of my neck.


All at once she releases me and turns to him,"My apologies, Master," She says, bowing to him.

She folds her hands behind her back as he moves closer to me, smiling down at me,"If I could not take a little sarcasm then I would not be the one to have you here," He kneels to my level as he continues, "Lex did give me a warning about your nasty habit to talk back. Not that that I needed a reminder," He grins, "And he has grown to the idea that I have presented him. "

"What do you mean, warning? " I glare at him from my spot on the floor.

His grin grows,"All in good time, my dear. But for now, you should rest-"

"Why? Are you going to throw me into some room to train me? Or-"

"We have already done that. After all, overworking can do more damage than good." He says as he stands up, walking to the door.

Just as he is about to leave, the man stops him," What about me? Where's my money?"

"I did not promise money. I promised that something good will come of this."

"That something better be money. " The man holds a gun to his head, big mistake.

The woman takes him down faster than he can cock the bullet into place. She drags him off of the floor and outside the room, where I hear the sound of her sword, and an undeniable scream; she killed him.



"Where could they be?" I huff out for the tenth time in the last five minutes.

"Dude, if you say that one more time, I will slap you." Wally points to me, threateningly.

"They have only been gone for an hour, calm down." Conner states bluntly.

"It's been an hour and fifteen minu-"

"She can handle herself." Bruce cuts me off.

"Oh, really? I hadn't noticed." I retort as I cross my arms,"What I did notice is that she is mad, and people don't think straight when they are mad."

"You need to calm down," He says. "You having a panic attack won't help her if something is wrong. "

"Because you know all about what's right for her-"

"Shut up!" We turn to M'gann, her staring back at us with anger,"She left because of you two, and I can see why. I can barely think without hearing one of you shout at the other." With that, she walks out of the room, Conner right behind her as he gives us a pointed look.

Kaldur, who was listening silently, says,"M'gann is right." Bruce and I look over at him,"From what I have seen, she is under a lot of stress. It can't help that she doesn't feel like she can trust the few people that she has let into her life." He looks at us in silence then adds,"But I understand why. And I understand that this is unnerving so we will give it a few more hours, perhaps she is just blowing off steam."

I nod, hoping that she is just mad at me.

Please just be mad at me.


"It's been five hours and no texts or calls. " Wally states walking in. "Now, I am worried."

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