Chapter 1 - Just this once

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You look out your classroom window and sigh just a little longer and then your out of here. Your so glad your a senior you can't take another year of this retchid place. Finally the bell rings you begin packing your bag you had just a small window to go to your hagwon and then you'd be excused for your job interview at PHYSIQUE. The most popular fashion magazine in Korea and you were getting a chance to work part time there. You take the magazine out holding it to your chest please God don't let me ruin this.

"You seem like your in a hurry" you look up to see a boy sitting on your desk he was so handsome but you knew better this rude bastard was the most disrespectful person you had ever met.

You had known each other for as long as you can remember your parents are the best of friends although his family was way richer than yours

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You had known each other for as long as you can remember your parents are the best of friends although his family was way richer than yours.

"What do you want Yoongi" you blow hair out of your face as you slide your bookbag onto your back.

"Nothing just thought you might be missing this handsome face of mine" he smiles and his whole face lights up

"as if " you say you begin walking out of the classroom but he grabs your arm turning you around

" Hey your mom told me to tell you good luck on that interview today...but if my dad asks I'm out studying with you" your upper lip curls

" HA! As if I'd lie for you...what are you really doing?" He smiles putting his hands into his pockets

" if things go according to plan the hottie from class B" you ruffle your hair

"why do I always have to be your lookout besides I have something I need to do today in case you forgot so your out of luck" you turn to walk away but he puts his hand on your shoulder pulling you back

" Yah! NOONA! Do I ever ask for much just do this one thing" you blow out air your cheeks puffing out

" please you always ask me to cover for you like the time you crashed your dads car or the time you forgot to break up with that one girl before you started dating another or when you were sleeping with your dad's assistant and she threatened to sue or when..."

"OK OK I get it..look just this one last thing OK please I swear I'll be back in time for you to go to that interview" he makes a puppy dog face

"don't do that it makes you look ten times uglier" he scowls

"fine I don't need you I'll figure it out myself....but trust me you'll need me later" he rushes past you bumping into you, you sigh

" how long will you be gone.." Yoongi stops he turns around and rushing into you he back hugs you
"thanks NOONA your the best...promise I'll be back on time tonight I won't let you down" he runs out greeting his friends in the hallway " told you guys she'd cover for me, drinks on me tonight!" You Puff out your cheeks running out into the hallway

"yah! But you said...fine whatever just be back on time!" you hold the magazine in your hands "Yoongi please...just this once...don't fuck this up for me.." ....Yoongi never showed up that night......

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