"I understand, Sir. I'll wait for Timmy. I'm his ride back to Uni, after all. And, if there's anything your family needs, just ask. I'll gladly give a hand," replied Johnny to Timmy's father. The solemn and caring tone of Johnny shocked Wallace.

Curiosity etched on to Wallace's face at the kind and generous young man that sat in front of him. Even though the curiosity irked him, he didn't have time to ask questions. In the mean time, he will have to trust the kid, and made sure he was fine by himself; Wallace thought. With nothing else to say to Johnny, he left the well-groomed man alone in the warm lighted room.

Johnny sat in the living room with the hospital staff nurse. It was a quiet moment until the woman sat next to Johnny. 

"Hey, I'm Karylle. Johnny, right? I'm guessing your Timmy's friends from his new University. How's he doing there? Did he get a new girlfriend? Is she good looking? Sexy? Beautiful?" Karylle asked nosily. 

Eyebrows furrowed and lips pursed, Johnny stayed silent. Giving her a blank stare, he turned up the volume of the TV. He took out his phone and began playing with the app games on it; ignoring the woman. 

"Fine. I see how it is." 

Karylle, who was sitting on the arm rest of the two-seated couch, walked away from Johnny. She went to take a seat on the larger couch. Taking her phone from front pocket of her uniform, a missed call that indicated it came from the hospital she worked from. "Hey, tell Uncle Wallace that I stepped out a bit. I have to call back the hospital, and see what they need."

Once she was outside, Johnny got up and locked the door; locking her out. Thirsty, he went to the kitchen and got himself a glass of water. When he was finished, he cleaned it and place it back to where he got it from. Right after taking one step to the living room, he hears a loud scream upstairs. 

With a quick reaction, Johnny dashed through the stairs and onto the second floor of the house. At the end of the hallway was a door ajar, showing a group of people with their backs facing Johnny. Slowly walking towards them, an argument was on going. The voices were brash but emphatic. As Johnny reached the end, he knocked and excused himself. 

"Hey. Sorry but I couldn't help but hear the scream. I thought some thing happened." With a serious face, Johnny peered inside searching at the person who screeched. 

Lily waved her hand at Johnny. "It was me. I was... Just shocked at what my grandfather said." Her face displayed embarrassment and her teary, red eyes darted from Johnny to her grandfather. Not a moment too soon, the old man on the bed sees Johnny.

"Who's he?" croaked Yi Fan, his head facing the entrance of the room to where Johnny was standing. 

"Oh, he's just a friend." Timmy went to block his grandfather's view of Johnny, but Timmy stopped him. Yi Fan grasped Timmy's hands, and opened up his palm. "Grandpa, what are you doing? What were you gonna say to me?" 

Yi Fan smiled at his eldest grandchild.

"Timmy, as my eldest grandchild of this family, I'm entrusting these rings to you. You'll have your own family someday, and I hope when that special day comes, you will use this ring. Give it to the person who you will spend the rest of your life with. These rings are the only thing I can part ways with you, but I hold this very dear to me." He paused, taking a deep breath again. "I know you will make your own name and path in this world. Although I will not be here to see it, I know that whatever path you choose to take I will support you no matter what. Your family have always done that." The eldest of the Wong family smiled at his grandson. He held his grandson's cheeks and brushed the tears that came rolling down. 

Another paused, but this time he took his time to form the words he needed his grandson to hear.. 

"Whoever you take in your life, whoever your future partner is," Yi Fan glanced at Johnny, giving him a smile. Johnny, who's hard of hearing at the distance between them, smiled back. "I won't object and neither your family will. I've made a mistake in interfering with your father's life, and for that I've paid a high price for this family. That was my fault." 

Opening his mouth to disagree with his father, Wallace was silenced with Yi Fan's hand held up towards him.

"The only thing I'm thankful of your mother is for bringing you and your sister to this world. Despite all the horrible things she's done, I still forgive her. I know humans can be selfish beings, for I was greedy, too. Someday, you will give her a chance, and maybe forgive her." 

Timmy could only nod at the words given to him. Timmy went to kissed his grandfather's cheeks, then stood up. 

The whole Wong family thought he was finished. Clearly, he wasn't. Yi Fan motioned his hand for Johnny to come forward. Not able to say no to a man on his death bed, Johnny approached him. Wallace, Linda and Bai parted to give way for Johnny.

On his knees next to the bed, he greeted Yi Fan. 

"Hello Mr. Wong, Sir. I'm Johnny Spencers. I'm a friend of Timmy's from his school." 

"Hello to you, too, Johnny. This will be my first time seeing you, and my last. I'm sorry we have to meet this way. I'd like to give you some words of guidance to you. Seeing you rush in here, ready to help, I can tell you're a great man with a good heart and good intentions. I like that about you." Yi Fan wheezed, taking in a long deep breath. Then continued, "Do grant this man's last wish that you treasure my son's friendship and treat him as your family. With that, I accept you into this family and acknowledge you as my own kin." 

Everyone in the room were surprised. Eyes widened, and jaw hing stretched down.

Taking Johnny's hand, he gripped it, and persistently kept talking. "No matter what life gives you, hardships you go through, or the pains that will be inflicted upon you and Timmy. Never give up, young man. For it is better to wait for long, than to live in regret later. Perseverance is the key to a long lasting relationship."  

With his final strength, he whispered his final words to his family. His eyes were drooping, but still managed to look at every single one of them. "I love you all. I am proud to call you four as my grandchild. My blessings goes to everyone here."  

Yi Fan's eyes closed, mouth shut, and breathing stopped. Peace and calm finally came on to Yi Fan's, taking his life. Death has finally taken another good man from this world. 

Outside was a raven perched on the window sill of the square room. Never making noise till the banging of the door outside, and the raven flew away. Leaving with it the soul of the deceased. 

A/N:  (Used google translate for this. Not native main-lander Chinese, although I do understand some basic Chinese characters since I'm doing a self learn in Chinese. Chinese words sounds the same but they have different meanings. The only way to tell is the intonations when they're talking. If any Chinese speaker who would like to correct my Chinese, please, I beg you to do so. T_T.) 

I've got surprise for tomorrow. 

Due To Fate [Boys Love Story] (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now