I stared down to myself and waited for mettaton to come back. Knocking came around so I let mettaton back in, "I'm back darings~" mettaton said. Before anything he looked at me and felt bad, "darling! What happen to your clothing?" I looked, "it's just dirty so undyne said she's washing it later" I said.

Undyne took a rush and grabbed the wine then realized found packages of beer and took a sip then gave some to alphys. Frisk on the other hand didn't really wanted to play anymore since it was already 10:39 p.m and it was pretty quietly late for them.

Me and mettaton were playing around while undyne and alphys were watching a movie so it was going more and more great than ever! Undyne and alphys were pretty more and more drunk than me and mettaton.

Me and mettaton were basically playing a truth or lie game, "okay! Your turn -hic- mettaton" basically in this version we played is if you guess wrong lie or truth which we are trying to find the lie so... then you have to take a big shot until we pass out.

"Alright~ -hic- being famous is my lovely life~ -hic- I was originally supposed to be a girl -hic- being the one that tried to kill you ...find the lie.." it took a bit since mettaton did look like a girl in pink not to be rude but I think he liked the color pink and saw it like that, being famous is his favorite thing well..nah since I mean it is hard work...and mettaton never tried to kill me so...

"I choose you trying to kill me is a lie!" I said. Mettaton looked and laughed, "nope! That's true! Being famous can be a pain my darling..plus trying to met you stay in I did almost kill you.." I stood there shocked but drank a whole lot of wine for that one.

At some point my eyes started to shut down quietly and I felt so tired...my eyes saw a glimpse of blackness around...I realized...I passed out...wonder what will happen during this time.

I looked at myself being a bit bored around till I saw Sabrina crying and everything. "Sabrina are you okay?" I said. She closed the door and started to sob, "don't come in! It's terrible!" Sabrina said. I felt a bit bad but I really didn't know what was going on.

I kept knocking on the door seeing what keeps going on making me more and more curious about her. Sabrina completely slam the door as I tried to open it which made me pissed off, "Sabrina! Open the door!" I said.

Sabrina started to sob, "n-no...you'll get mad.." She said. I gotten pretty pissed off so I broke myself in and I looked to see in shocked Sabrina was covered in bruises and had a black eye. "Sabrina who did this to you?!?" I said.

It took minutes till Sabrina broke down, "it was...y/n..." I stopped and looked at her angry, "lies! That's lie! She d-" she sobbed even more holding onto me...now I know it wasn't a lie she made.

I gotten so angry that I teleported up to undyne and looked at y/n...she looked so innocent. I looked what she was wearing and I was blinded by the beauty of her body. I fell down on the trash can and blushed so heavily...it looked like it became the beauty of gold.

I looked at her legs but...softly gotten worried...scars...even her own body self had scars of cuts still remained even on her arms...even some on her breast a bit. I looked at y/n the way she was having so much fun...I didn't worry so much the way I wanted to go in there...and just kiss her so much.

I stayed there till I saw her go to sleep...I went back to Sabrina and helped her get bandaged so it can go all better which it covered a bit of her beauty...I let her sleep with me for the night since she wouldn't stop crying and I really felt so much bad for her.

"Sans.." she said. I turned to Sabrina, "hm?" I said. She hugged me softly which gave me a warm good sensation, "t-thank you..." she said. I smiled and nod, "it's no problem Sabrina anything for you to be better.." she cuddle onto me which I didn't like but I didn't really mind...

I'll be right back y/n...just to check up on you later...

I hope the things going worse will happen, I got off from sans after cuddling him trying to make a plan over by the living room. I decided to make myself looked fucked UP since I wanted to make it seemed that I was pretty beaten up badly.

Even tho bruises were makeup and black eye I made for tripping myself on purpose. I didn't really care for y/n or sans. I just wanted to get back with my other BF so that sans could get beaten up and I can have a better attention with my BF!

Since my phone is broken I couldn't contact him so making me fall to the underground would be a good idea cuz he will miss me! So my plans will be going great! I will have a chance to be able to do anything I would want! Anything I can plan...even a chance to make it seem sans cheated on bitch y/n

Let's hope I get this bitch outta my way...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sometimes you feel the connection between the lover, that makes it seem that they love you that much. But...sometimes your lover never wanted to be in that situation and find a better connection than you..so when you are replaced you feel like you are useless than the connection your lover even picked for themselves...


Keep holding on (sansX Depressed reader) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora