It doesn't matter...

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The song is called, "nightingale" I have to admit I don't know why but I take a fast time making this picture above, you can use it if ya want! But just ask me first cuz I wanna read something or see what you post and all! Okay!! So...your living with the bros that's good! are still alone...don't worry! Things will get better! Anyway have a lovely day! Enjoy!
*play song*
I sat still deep within the warm steaming water, it felt warm and cuddly but at some point I have to leave my family left me...friends...even lovers....I grab my razor deep within. I started to cut slicing my skin, I didn't want to go too crazy...but it hurts so bad.

I stood still hurt in pain, maybe...end it today? No...I can't...not now, there are other people with worse problems than just can just wait if I just...really really need to. I felt alone deep within this warm/ cold feeling, my hair dripping and dripping water. My arm bleeds bursting much to make the bathtub red.

I had a hard time, I don't need anything going on in my life anymore. I stood up clean the tub, put on my long sleeve shirt, added another one just in case it bleeds though, I put my hoodie on all the way that others won't see my face. I put my sweats on, and my socks on, and left my hair down and comb.

As soon as I got out, frisk tugged me in. "Woah frisk heh...what's going on?" Frisk looked very
tired, *can you read me a bed time story?* I quickly bend down and smile, "why of course! Get the book you like and be ready and I'll be right there okay?" Frisk smiled and nod then was away. I walked off trying to grab something to drink, as I was doing that...all I found was..spaghetti?

I was a bit confused and odd, I stood there finding some cups till, "HELLO HUMAN!" I gave a shriek and jumped making the spaghetti , "oh my god! I'm so sorry papyrus! You scared me" papyrus smiled, "HUMAN WHY DON'T YOU TAKE OFF THAT HOODIE? I WOULD LIKE TO SEE WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE." I backed off a bit which made papyrus confused.

"I would like to but... maybe later, I gotta read a bedtime story with frisk" papyrus eye sockets widen, "OH! CAN YOU READ ME ONE PLEASE!!!" I gave him a bit of a confusing look, "yea go pick the story you like and get ready for bed so I'll come near by okay?" Papyrus eyes glistens and sorta gave a little run.

I continued what I was doing, I dropped my smile to a frown. I tried my best to find it till, "hey Bridget!" I hit my head on the cabinet, "Ow!" I began falling till I was caught, "Oof!" Sans smiled at me when he saw a closer view of my face, "hey...why don't you take that off?" I pushed him off and made it a lot darker and unnoticeable to let him or anyone see.

"No thanks..." I walked off. I went to the room to see frisk all settle in their pajamas, "ready!" Frisk have a smile and nod. "Okay ooh! What is this! The beauty of you"

*btw I'm just gunna make up the story,'s not real heh heh😅*

*story time!*
"Deep within beauty there is you, you are you for being yourself. Sometimes it's okay to long as you don't ever forget to smile..."

"Despite how much fear goes to you...your still a person inside, if your heart is broken...let me be the light to touch and fix it...if your soul is dark my love will set it free for you...don't feel alone...cuz your pretty!

Be free, you are free, bold, soft, sweet, and beautiful...look in the mirror did it break? No because mirrors don't break beauty, do you feel like someone or everyone always hates you? No...there are others that care."

"So...deep within everything you are still you and you are still beautiful..."

*story end*

Despite I finished what it felt like a short story, frisk started to sleep slightly. My eyes started to water on how beautiful it is, as I stood up I felt a grab on my sleeve, *y/n?* I bend down, "yes?..." frisk yawn, *i hope you like the story I made for you...good night* frisk went up to me and kissed me on the forehead which caused my hoodie to fall revealing my face.

"Heh heh...good night..." I rubbed her on her forehead and stood up and left to see papyrus. As I walked to his room, his room looked so cute. Despite the toy cars and comics and all...would make him a little nerd...Cute! I saw papyrus with his comfortable bed and he was sitting there happy.

"Hello papyrus!" Papyrus eyes delighted, "HUMAN! YOUR HOOD IS OFF! YOU LOOK QUITE COOL!" I smiled. I began to sit down slightly and began to grab his story book...

*lol here goes another one!*

*story began*
"There was once a small rabbit and his little brother, the rabbit was name Robert while his little brother was name hopper. Robert was an older brother that does everything he can accomplish while hopper, he felt like he couldn't do anything because how young he is."

"Hopper felt like he couldn't do anything because Robert was amazing at almost everything...while hopper doesn't have anything to do...Robert had friends while hopper didn't, Robert win medals while hopper didn't, things made hopper sad and sadder.."

"One day hopper decided to give up and sat down to the ground. Robert notice how sad hopper felt so he came up to him, "hey bro...what's wrong?" Hopper didn't say a word so it made Robert look at him in the eye and talked to him slowly, "hopper...come can tell me..." hopper began to have water in his own little eyes."

"Robert felt as sad so he gave hopper a hug, "it's just...I feel very weak while you...YOUR tough, your amazing! You can do everything and I can't do nothin..." Robert gave a hug to his brother, "lil can do anything! You are powerful you are great! Everyone is! We all gotta try and be rave about it!" From that moment hopper realized something..."

"Hopper realized that all that he needed was that he needed to be brave and believe into everything as he can...and that maybe...just maybe...he would always be strong like his big brother..."

*story end*.   *it's sorta bad i know*

Papyrus was fast asleep and it made me give out a small smile, I quietly got out of papyrus room and went to the living room. I sat on the couch and thought for a while...despite reading those bed time stories it makes me wonder why can't I think all the good things instead of bad.

A moment I felt happy and back I felt as sad as u can isn't my problem...nor it is my bravery's just the fact fear is crawling onto my skin killing me instantly with many terrible feelings. I feel scared, I can't do this! No matter what! I can feel demons grabbing me and holding on I me not l thing go. I feel myself...bleeding though my whole body...

After all that thinking tears were in my eyes, I ran quietly into me and frisk's room and as I got onto my bed...I silently cried...I couldn't help it...I felt like hell came up to me telling me lies and secrets
if you are feeling sad because of the way you look or how weak you feel, you aren't! You are beautiful the way you are! Did the mirror break because the way you look at it? No! You looked at it and you look as stunning as you are! if others don't agree I do! Do you always feel like losing while others felt like they are the pro and you aren't? That's okay! Practice makes progress! So don't worry!

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