Chapter 22

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After we was done at Ihop we headed back to my house. But first I had to drop off Da-shawn at my auntie's house cause my mum still hadn't been home yet. I dropped off the girls at my house first then went off to my auntie's.

-At Auntie's-

"Hey Auntie Bri" I say giving her a hug.

"Happy birthday Dear" she gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you, where's uncle" I said.

"He's gone to work, ill tell him you say hi" she said hugging da-shawn.

"Thanks, imma head off now, Da make sure you good for Auntie" I say whilst giving him a kiss.

"I will poonchie" he said pinching my cheek.

I said the rest of my goodbyes then headed home.

-Back Home-

When I got back everyone was just sitting in the living room watching tv. It was only 3:00 so we had a couple of hours to get ready.

I sat next to Carlos, but he just got up and went into the kitchen. Steve Wonder 'happy birthday' started playing and everyone got up,and Carlos came in with a big ass cake in his hand.

They all started singing happy birthday and dancing. I blew out the candles and we all had a slice of cake. You don't understand how much I love these guys.

"Aww thank you all so much, I have mad love fo you niggas" I say giving a big grin.

"And we love your fat ass aswell, even tho you da most doopeyist shit ever"

"That's nice" I say sarcastically "but on a reals I wouldn't have been me without y'all" I hugged all of them.

"Well enough of this lovey dovey shit we need to get ready, us boys are heading home to get ready" they got up, carlos gave me a kiss and they all headed out.

I got up to go in the shower and brush my teeth. When I was done I got out my outfit. I was wearing my sliver fitted dress with diamonds on it and my nude black heels. I had my hair down curly, put on mascara, eyeliner, red lipstick and a bit of foundation.

I looked in the mirror and I looked tun-up all of us did. Me and my girls had mad style.

We all headed back downstairs where all the boy were, they got back quick. When we walked downstairs all the boys had there mouth wide open.

"Da f-ck y'all ugly asses looking at, just cause we look more fly den y'all broke ass niggas" Dee said. We all started laughing at her, she is so funny I can't deal.

"Your broke ass, but fo get dat let's get going" mathew said.

Everyone agreed then we got going. I was in the car with Carlos.

"You look really beautiful ma" Carlos said whilst driving.

"Aww thank you babey you don't look bad yourself" I gave him a kiss on his cheek.

-At The Club-

Narrator's pov

They all walked into the club seeing as they didn't have to wait in line. They all went to the bar to get drinks first and hang in the vip area.

They all got up and started dancing to different types of music. The girls were whining up themselves and the boys were dancing with them.

Shyla's pov

I was dancing up with Carlos, I felt a lil bit tipsy. We have been here for a couple of hours now and I was ready to go.

We all went our separate ways, I went with Carlos cause I was spending the night at his house.

-At Carlos's House-

I had just come out the shower and got into Carlos's big t-shirt.

"You enjoy your day babe"Carlos said whilst lying next to me.

"Yeahh it was great thanks" I gave him a long passionate kiss.



"I'm ready" I said as he gave me a kiss.

I think you know where it went from there.


hope you enjoyed, didn't go into too much detail for this chapter.

vote'comment&share please.

thanks to all that have read my story really appreciate it :*


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