Chapter 19;

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Mathew's pov;

When we got there I couldn't believe what I saw. I shot the man two times in the chest and once in the head I knew fo sho he was dead.

Jay's mum was lying there in a pool of blood and Jay was there with know trousers on. I was angry at this moment, I quickly called the clean up crew to come and sort this mess out.

I quickly lifted up Jay and me, shy and carlos ran to the can heading to the hospital.

'I hope she is gonna be alright'

'I hope nothing bad is gonna happen'

'I shouldn't of let her go in there by herself'

That was a that was going through my head till we got to the hospital. I ran to the front desk with Jay in my hand.

A nurse ran to us and took Jay from my hands, put on a chair then wheeled her into a run. I followed behind but they wouldn't let me go through they said I had to wait in the waiting room so I sat there with my face in my hands.

Shyla's pov;

We quickly rushed Jay to the hospital, I can't believe that man will do that, he killed my auntie, I didn't really know her but she was family and she didn't deserve that.

We were waiting in a room for the doctor to come out and tell us if she was going to be alright.

I just sat there in carlos's arms waiting, I just remembered I didn't call Damon or Dequan, so I brought out my phone to call them.


"What's up shy" damon said

"Damon you need to come to the hospital right away, Jay has been hurt" I say worried.

"I'm on my way now"


I went through my contacts and landed on Dequan's number I called him up but it went to voice mail, so I called keisha instead.


"Hey shy-shy" she said all happy.

"Hey boo, can I talk to dequan please" I said.

"Yeahh" "DEQUAN SHY IS ON THE PHONE" she screamed.

"What's up shy" he said all happy as well, why the f-ck they so cheery fo.

"You need to get to the hospital now, I will tell you want happened when you get here" he hung up so I guess they are on there way now.


We sat here 1hour more, damon, andrea, dequan and keisha got her like 40mins ago. No one was talking we were just sitting up here waiting on this doctor.

Mathew's pov;

The doctor finally came out, its about f-cking time.

"Family of Jay-ann Miya Carter" we all stood up and waited for what he had to say.

"Well it looks like she was raped, she has a few scratches on her chest and a bruise on her face" he paused for a bit then carried on "it looks like she was hit around the head with a hard object but it didn't damage her brain luckily but she is in a coma and might wake up soon so for now you can come back and tomorrow seeing as visiting hours are over"

Damn I can't believe all that happened she was only in there for about 7 minutes so how the f-ck did she end up getting rape.

Shit I'm just tired man, I dapped the boys, hug the girls then en|routed home.


Sorry it was short guys just wanted to write a lil bit for y'all.

Hoped you liked it.

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