Chapter 16;

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Mathew's POV;

Jay & Shyla just came back in and you could tell that they have been crying.

"You too alright why your eyes red and puffy" Mathew said.

"Nothing its alright now" she went and sat with Carlos "Damon and Dequan, Jay is staying with us for a bit"

I looked over at Jay and she had her head down playing with her nails. Ever since I met her at the mall I had some feelings for her so I invited her to my party then I found out she was Shy's cousin.

Anyways she got up and headed to the kitchen so I went and followed her.

Jay's POV;

I got up and went into the kitchen because my phone started vibrating. It was a unknown caller so I just answered.

"Hello" I could tell my voice was shaking.

"JAY, WHERE THE F*CK ARE YOU" my step-dad shouted down the phone.

I just let out a sigh "I'm at someone's house"

"WELL GET HOME NOW OR ElSE" he spat then hung up.

I just dropped there and started crying...

Someone lifted me up, I turned around and it was Mathew.

"What's wrong ma" he says.

"Nothing its alright, but I have to go" I rushed out.

"SHY," I went into the living room and she was there sleeping on Carlos's chest.

"Damon I have to go home" I said rushing.

"Wait, I thought you were staying here" he looked at me confused.

"Something came up" I gave him a kiss on the cheek and Dequan then hugged the others.

When was walking out the door someone grabbed my arm.

"Mathew I have o go now, I will be back tomorrow" I said getting irritated.

"When I see you again we need to talk yeahh" he gave me a hug, kissed me on the forehead then went back into the living room.

I was a lil bit confused but the shrugged it off and ran home, I wonder how mad this man is now I don't think I can take it anymore.

Shyla's POV;

I woke up to see everyone was still here, But I couldn't see Jay.

"Guys where did Jay go?"

"She just went home like 10mins ago" Dequan said. What no no no why.


"She said something and why you shouting" he said confused.

"O sorry my bad" Mathew was giving me that look cause he knew something was up.

I walked out and tried to call her but there was no answer. I hope she is ok.

Jay's POV;

I just got home, when I opened the door I looked around then ran into my bedroom.

I opened the door and he was just sat there at the corner of my bed.

"Where the f-ck have you been" he spat viciously.

"At my friends house" I was literally shaking.

"Why didn't you come home straight from school"

"Cause I went to hang with my cousin" I don't know where the confidence came from tho.

He walked over to and punched and slapped my continuously.

I was crying so hard, when he stopped he walked out and slammed the door I crawled to the door and locked it then I crawled into my bed in pain then I drifted to sleep.

Shyla's POV;

- Next Day.

I woke up turning off my alarm. I got up went into the shower and brushed my teeth.

When I was down I got out my white high waist shorts with my pink creep crop top and pink low converse.

I left my hair out and put a white bandanna other it, got my ring, necklace and bracelet then headed downstairs.

"Morning Ma" I kissed her on the cheek.

"Morning beautiful, don't wait up Dequan he is going dentist" she said handing my some toast.


Craig walked in just staring at me and when my mum weren't looking he blew me a kiss arghhh. When I say I hate this man I really do.

"Morning Babe" he said to my mum.

"Morning" she gave him a lil peck eww.

"Morning Shyla" I got up gave my mum a kiss the headed off to school.


I started up the car then made my way. When I got there I had 2minutes to make it into form.

Just as I got in the bell rang -whew-

Tee, Dee, Ashley and Quin was already there sat at the back.

"Hey Guys" I gave them all hugs. "Where Jay at" I was worried about her.

"She might be here in a min" Tee said.

We all started chatting then the door swung open and in cam Jay with her head down and hood on.

"Jay-ann please take that hood of" sir said.

When she slowing took it of she had a black eye and a bruise on her cheek.



- What would Shyla do?

- How is Mathew going to react?

- Will Jay get away from her step-dad?

Vote guys :*

Next chapter maybe a lil later if I'm not busy.

Picture Of Mathew >>>

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