Chapter 15 (part2)

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Still Shyla's POV;

It was now break time so I headed to the cafeteria to wait for the others.

I sat at the usual table just playing temple run 2. What felt like 5mins they finally came.

"Hey Tee, Dee & My newbes" I said whilst laughing.

"Wassup" Ashley came and sat next to me and the others sat on the other side.

"What's the plan for after school really don't feel like going to my yard" Jay said, I could tell there was something wrong but I left it until later.

"Y'all can come round to mines cause the others are coming so I can introduce Ashley and Jay properly"

"Yeahh why not" They all said.

The bell rang and we all headed to our lessons.


School was finally over and I was just outcheaa waiting for the others so we could leave.

When they go here all of the had there car so they all went off but Ashley followed behind me.

When we got there, there was already too many cars parked outside my yard but anyways we all headed inside and Carlos, My brothers, Mathew, Jevonne, Josh and Jerome was already here playing on there console.

"Hey Y'all, This is my friend Ashley and My cousin Jay but y'all already know her"

Ashley went and sat down and I went to sit on Carlos lap but accidently sat on Mathew.

"Ay nigga get cho fat ass off me" he says acting the fool.

"Shut your black ass up Mathew damn" I playing punched him in the arm then sat on Carlos.

"Hey baby, you gucci" he said kissing me on my cheek.

"Yeahh I'm straight"

I glanced over at Jay then at Mathew then Jay again then Mathew, its like they are some secret couple or something.

"Jay can I talk to you real quick" I hopped of carlos's lap whilst she followed behind.

"Yeah what's wrong" she says

"What's going on between you and Mathew" I looked at her deep in her eyes.

"Nothing" she said and I could tell she was bluffing.

"Don't play stupid I know there is something"

Jay's POV;

"Don't play stupid I know there is something"

I let out a sigh "Finemeandmathewkneweachotherbefore" I mumbled

"Huh speak up" she looked so baffed.

"I said we knew each other before and I kinda like him" I say starting to playing with my nails.

"Awww, that's so sweet you should tell him" she said.

"No I can't it will be too awkward" I let out a sigh once again. "And Shy can I ask you a favor"

"Yeahh sure anything" she looked a bit confused.

"Well I was wondering if I could stay here for a while" I looked down straight away cause I could feel tears coming down.

"Yeahh sure, hold on are alright babe why you crying" she came over to hugging me tightly.

"Nothing I'm fine honestly" I say.

"Your clearly not hold on"

Shyla's POV;

I walked back into the living room and all eyes was on me.

"Yo Shy is Jay alright" Mathew asked.

"Uhmm..yeahh" I said quickly, got a box of tissues then ran back out.

"Can you get my bag please its on the computer table" she whispered.

I ran back in grabbed the bag and ran back out before anyone asks questions.

We both went up to my room and sat on the bed. She sighed and began talking.

"Well my dad left when I was 12 remember" I nooded "well when you left things kinda got rough for me cause my mum married someone else but still blamed me for dad leaving" tears were now coming down her eyes and also mines "but when he left he said he loved me and he would be back but anyways when my step-dad was home he normally had friends over and I would be in my room but when they left he would be high and drunk and come to me touching up on me" I went over to her and hugged her so tightly "its been like this since I was 13 up till now and he has started to get angry when I was not at home so now I'm just trying to get away but I have to go back cause I can't leave my mum" I was in tears aswell I can't believe she went through all of that.

"Does she know about it"

"I don't know when he would do it she is normally at work or out" she wiped her tears.

"Don't worry you can stay here as long as you want" I hugged her then we headed downstairs.

Most of the left and it was only Carlos, Mathew, My brothers, Tee, Dee & Ashley.

"You too alright why your eyes red and puffy" Mathew said.

"Nothing its alright now" I sat next to Carlos "Damon and Dequan, Jay is staying with us for a bit" I put my head on Carlos's chest then drifted to sleep.


PleaseVote&Comment :)

- Poor Jay her life has been sad?

- Will her dad come for her?

- Jay and Matthew?

- What will her step-dad say if she isn't back home?

Writing next chapter now :)

Picture of Ashley >>>

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