Chapter 6;

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Shyla's POV;

The Next Day;

I woke up early today cause I had to get Da-shawn ready and take him to the airport to meet my mum. I got in the shower first, cleaned all of my body then 20minutes later I got out and brushed my teeth.

When I was down I got out my blue tank top, black jeans and my blue blazers. After I changed I went into Da-shawn's room to wake him up.

"Da its time to get up your are going to meet mummy" I said shaking him lightly.

"I'm up now Shy" he said getting happy.

"Ightt bubs let's get you into the shower" I said running him a bath.

I showered Da for about 15 minutes then I got him out, brushed his teeth then dressed. He was wearing true religion trousers, black ralph lauren polo and his black timberlands.

We made our way downstairs and I put him in his highchair. I started making him some toast whilst I got him some apple juice to drink then buttered his toast to give to him.

When he had finished eating I took my keys then headed to the car, put him in the car seat and headed off to the airport.

1hour later we got there and Da was fast asleep., so I had to carry him whilst I found mum. I was walking around and I clocked my mum in a red holister track suit and black nike air maxes 90.

I walked up to her with Da and his luggage in my hands.

"Hey Mum" I said hading Da and his stuff to her.

"Hey sweetie how is everything at home and with Damon and Dequan" she said

"Its good just been chilling with their friends and my friends"

"O good, and we won't be back for another 4weeks cause your grandma isn't getting any better" she said sadly.

"Well I hope she gets better mum tell her I said hi"

"I will do sweetie" I gave her a kiss and Da-shawn a kiss then headed back to my car.

It was 7:00 so I decided I was going to sleep when I got home. I made it home an hour later and went straight to my bed.


I woke up from that looong relaxing sleep. I heard loud noises downstairs, I went to see what it was and it was the boys watching soccer.

"Do y'all have to be so loud when you are watching the soccer game" I said

"Hell yeahh its a match there for we have to cheer for our time nigga" mathew said.

"O please" I said going up to Nick, Jevonne, Jerome, Dequan, Damon, Josh and Carlos to give all of them a hug except from Mathew.

"So what a nigga can't get a hug too" he said poking out his bottom lip.

"Aww bubs you can get one now" I said feeling sorry for him.

"Hell narw, ain't no one want your hug now too late you can't get all of this" mathew said rubbing his hands down his body.

All of us was in a fit of laughter after he just said that, he is so weird but he is too funny if there was no Mathew I don't think we would have been having this much fun.

Carlos's POV;

We were all just sitting around watching the soccer game still. I am just so eager to ask Shy out but I want to take her out to eat and then ask her.

"Ayo C, come we go now have to get back" Jerome said.

"Ightt be right there" I said "Shy can I talk to you for a second"

"Yeahh sure"she said.

We walked in to the corridor and I took a deep breath and asked her.

"Can I take you out tonight for dinner" I said.

She hesitated at first but then said yes.

I gave her a long hug then kiss her on the cheek, dapped the boys then headed off.

Shyla's POV;

I was happy Carlos asked me on a date, after he kissed me I had gained more feelings for him. If he asked me out I don't want to regret it and feel that I have made a mistake because if he is a thug I am going to be worrying about him when we ain't together.

It was 4:30 and he wad coming back at 7:00 so I text the girls to tell them to come down.


-Heyy girls come down to mines asap

-Ightt omw now" tee said.

-Stopping off at McDonald's first" Jay said.

-Get us may-o chicken then bubs" Dee said


I got in the shower and washed my hair. 20mins later I came out looking for some clothes. My door burst open and in came the girls yaming their may-o chicken.

"Hey girlss" I said happily.

"Why you so happy" Jay said with her mouth full.

"Going out with Carlos later" I said smirking.

"Rehhh is that you yeahh" Tee said.

"Shhh and help me pick out something" I said

She got up and picked out white fitted jeans, yellow ralph lauren polo and my high heel timberlands.

When I finished changing Dee done my hair and Jay did my makeup. I looked in the mirror and I acc looked really cute in my outfit thanks to the girls.



Next chapter tomorrow.

Longer chapter next time.

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