Chapter 18;

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Shyla's POV;

I'm glad Mathew made Jay feel better and now they going out.

We were all just chillen in the living room watching 'Think Like A Man'

Jay's phone started ringing so she answered it.



"I'm at my cousin's house"


"No but.."


"No Please Leave her..."


"Fine I will come but just don't hurt her"

She hung up and started crying into Mathew's chest.

"Babe who was that" mathew said.

"M-my step dad h-he said t-that if I don't c-come to him h-he will k-kill my mum"

I gasped and I could tell Mathew was getting angry.

"We need to sort this out right now" carlos said.

"Listen babe in order for us to get him you have to go home Ightt" mathew said.

Mathew's POV;

She started crying even more but agreed to. Damn I hate seeing her like this it makes me feel down man.

We all got ready and headed to her house, we let her out around the corner so he step-dad won't suspect anything.

Me and Carlos filled up our gun and waited till Jay send us the signal.

Shyla phone went off so that means it was go time. All three of us ran into the house.

When we got there I couldn't believe what I saw. I shot the man two times in the chest and once in the head I knew fo sho he was dead.


- What do you think happened?

- Where is Jay?

- What are they going to do with the step-dads body?

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