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"Are you crazy!? You almost died there in the war! Now how can you talk about going back to the same place again!?" she screamed hysterically.

"Calm down, Sarah. What if this time, I could change something?"

"Delphini. You're crazy. Just stop this stupidity already. You cannot change past and just admit it," she said with sternly.

"You know what, I actually changed something by going to the past,"

"Like what?" she glared at me as if I was crazy.

"I saved Harry Potter from Voldemort's killing curse twice. Once, when he was a baby. I was planning on protecting his parents as well but I failed. And the other time was during the war, when he tried to sacrifice his life to Voldemort. It did make a bit of a difference after all,"

"So it was all because of you!" all of her suspicions were gone and she said out aloud in awe with eyes as wide as they can be. "If you weren't there, there wouldn't be all these rebel against Voldemort and the world would be ruled by Voldemort! Oh em gee!! You actually did such a great thing! I'm so proud of you!!!" she squealed and embraced me into breathe taking tight hug.

"Calm down for god's sake!" I chuckled and pulled apart. "Well, now let me go one last time. I want Voldemort to see what I look like now. Now don't forbid me," I told her and she kept quiet for a while.

"But anything can happen. I will go with you," she begged. But I knew, I shouldn't keep anyone else life on danger.

"Exactly. Anything can happen. I don't want you to get into any kind of trouble," I tried to convince her but it seems she wasn't ready to sink my words in.

"That's exactly why I'm telling you to not to go there alone! Why don't you understand?" she winced.

"Sarah, please understand. Voldemort can kill anyone but me. Trust me, I will take just few minutes, I wont do anything else, I promise. And I promise, I will come back," this time, Sarah's expression flinched a bit. "I'm scared. I don't think that would be a good idea. But anyway, you are NOT going alone and that's it," she said and soon I heard people going out.

"It's dinner time already," Sarah said looking at the clock in the room.

"Let's go," she said and pulled me but I stayed still. I remembered all those stares during the lunch time.

Though I somehow ignored them but it was too difficult to ignore those stares.

"Delphi, it doesn't matter. You need to face them one day or another, why not right now? And you gathered your courage during lunch, you can do it!" she said with reassuring smile and I smiled back.

"Let's go," she said once again. With a weak smile, I nodded and followed her.

"Hey Delph!" Zaff said with a huge smile in the common room and I smiled back at him, trying to ignore the glares I got from other students around.

"Everyone looks at master piece, so feel great for yourself," he whispered and winked at me. And well, I wont deny that it actually made me feel good.

"Delphi," I heard my name and turned around to face Ted in front of me.

"Ahem, we will get going," Zaff said with a fake cough and linked his arm with Sarah who winked at me and went away with him.

"Yes?" I turned back to Ted. "I think that you're going to get into some trouble, aren't you?" he said leaving me speechless. How did he know? I didn't tell anyone other than Sarah and she didn't have a chance to tell him anything yet.

"I knew it! Your expression says it all. What exactly are you going to do? Tell me honestly," he whispered and took me to a corner where no students were passing by.

"Ted, I told you that I did make some difference by going to the past. What if I can make some more of a difference? I don't want to give up just yet,"

"You're crazy. You are not doing that, okay? Definitely not alone,"

"Ted, nothing will go wrong. Well, not worst than this. I know that Voldemort will never try to kill me, I am damn sure for that,"

"But you're not only going to deal with Voldemort, what if you get caught by a death eater? And it was just another curse that you got in the middle of the battlefield. What if this time, it would be killing curse flying towards you?" he said and caressed my face gently.

"I will be fine," I whispered as I put my hand over his on my cheek.

"No, you're not going anywhere. Promise me," he said and faced his palm up, waiting for my hand to interlink.

I looked at him bitterly before walking into the Great Hall all by myself, leaving him behind without any words. I should never promise anything I'm not going to keep.

"Delphi! Ted told me what you said to him! Even I told you, you're NOT going to the past anymore, alright?" Sarah came storming into my room. "You're not risking your life again, at least for us. Or we will come with you if it's must," she said after taking a deep breath after storming into my room.

"Can we talk about this tomorrow? I'm feeling too sleepy and tired right now," I said and faked a yawn. She actually believed me for that and sighed before nodding.

"Yeah, you must be tired. You went missing for like 2 months and for couple of weeks you were in bed rest," she said sarcastically and then her lips formed into a sad smile. "But seriously, don't ever think of doing anything stupid from now, okay?" she said and tapped on my head playfully before going out.

Soon after she left, I took out the invisibility cloak and the time turner for the one last time.

I'm sorry, but I gotta do this. One last time.

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