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Harry Potter...

He looked a lot older than he did in pictures that I have seen. I could feel nervousness taking all over me.

"Hello, I'm Hermione Granger Weasley," the woman who just entered said and took off her coat and went to take coat from Mr. Weasley as well. "I'm Harry Potter," the only person whom I knew before introducing said but he had this strange expression. He was not really smiling.

"I, I'm Delphini, nice to meet you," I said and they settled in their places.

"So when you did you reach here?" Mrs. Weasley said settling herself in a seat while the foods started to float into the long dining table. "It's been three hours or so," Teddy answered and she looked at me. "So it's just been a while but do you like it here?" she asked with a kind tone.

"Absolutely. I don't have proper home at my house so I am glad to join your joyful family in this Christmas," I said genuinely flashing her a smile. "Looks like you both share same kind of problem," Mr. Weasley said and looked at me and then to Mr. Potter. What did he mean?

We were served with delicious foods on our plates exactly the amount we want. Seems like it is enchanted because I got no beans because I hate beans.

"Tell me about your family," Mr. Potter said after swallowing down a piece of chicken.

"I live with a step mother. She never actually told me about it until few days before my first year at Hogwarts. Seems like she was raising me just to get all the money that my father had left for me," I said and continued to dig on my food.

"Who's your father?" Mr. Potter asked instantly making me nearly choke on the food.

"I, I don't know. My step mother had once told me that he was a greatest wizard of Slytherin, but I am not sure. She never told me who he was. I don't even know who my mother was. I just know they are dead but I don't know anything about them," I said while swallowing the food and the tears which was threatening to come out of my eyes.

"I'm sorry to hear that," he said and I just decided to nod and no one spoke anything after that for the entire dinner. But something seemed off about him. Something was not right.

"Good morning," as I opened the door, yawning, Teddy came out at the same time and greeted. "G' morning," I said still yawning. "I will go to visit my grandma today," he said taking a step back so that I can go down. "Okay, I think I will play around with the kids then. They seem very joyful just like the entire family," I smiled at him and he nodded in response. "I'm really glad you like it here," he grinned.

"Of course, this place is full of amusement," I smiled at him.

"Good morning Dolphin!" Lily exclaimed rushing to me and hugging my thigh. Well, she reaches Teddy's knees but as I'm short for my height, she reaches my thigh. "Good morning princess," I lightly hugged her before she pulled away. "Good morning boyfriend!" she chirped and threw her hands high up at Teddy indicating him to carry her.

"You can walk," he said.

"But I'm tired," she huffed.

"It's just morning!"

"But I was tired yesterday so I'm still tired!" she winced and I chuckled at her. Only if I had someone to carry me downstairs whenever I am tired.

"But you slept so you must not feel tired," Teddy still tried to defense.

"But I'm so enegetic, I'm tired!" I started laughing and Teddy started too and picked up Lily in his arms. "Yeah, you're so energetic," he said the last word slowly for her to hear it clearly. "Yeah, enegetic," she said and giggled. Spending time with those kids would be much fun, I guess.

Teddy went after lunch and I wandered off to the kitchen if I could help with anything. "Hey, Delphini," sweet voice called me and I looked up to see Mrs. Weasley in apron, waving her fingers at the dishes to clean them. It was Saturday so there was no work for them. They worked in the Ministry.

"So how are you in studies?" she asked randomly. "Don't feel bad, I am just curious, not to criticize or anything," she added quickly.

"It's fine. Good, actually. I'm not like topper but my grades are good so I guess I'm above average," I said. "That's great," she said enthusiastically.

"And by the way, about your parents, have you ever tried searching them," she started silently. "I did and I am still searching but I got not enough clues. Actually, this is very weird but I have something to ask to Mr. Potter, he might come up with any clue about my parents," I admitted and she stared at me in confusion. "Harry? But how can he help you?" "Well, I just think that. It might not work, I don't know," I said without bringing up about me being a parselmouth.

I have never revealed about it to anyone, not even Teddy, Sarah or Zaff.

"He is in his study I think, you can go have a talk with him," she said and flashed a genuine smile. "Okay, thank you," I was glad that she didn't questioned much about it. "I hope you will find out who your parents were," she said and I smiled back at her before leaving the kitchen to meet with Harry Potter.

I almost reached 300 readers! Thank you to all my readers!! :)

I have told this already but unlike the first story, "Avada Kedavra", this is going to be much more detailed and longer.

So tell me how do you like this story!

See you lovelies!


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