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"What if you find out your parents were actually alive! That could be possible," Victorie said excitedly.

I told them all about me as I got to know most about them. Well, of course excluding the part that I am a parselmouth.

"But how will Uncle Harry help you find them?" ugh, I shouldn't have said that.

"They, my parents died during the war I think. So who else can provide more detail other than Mr. Potter?" I said randomly. I don't even know how they died and where. I just hope I will find this mystery very soon.

"But whom are you going to meet with him?" Dominique asked curiously. "I don't know, he just suddenly stated that," I said and shrugged. "But he must have came up with something. Like some hint. Cant you tell?"

"I don't know. May be my appearance? May be my appearance reminded him of someone," I said and shrugged hoping they wont force me into spilling the entire truth because revealing about me being parselmouth seemed not much of good idea.

"Yeah, right. I really hope you find out about your parents though," Victorie said and gave me a thumbs up sign. She pointed to the blanket to float its way through air to her and yawned. "I'm so sleeeeepy," she said in between yawn and we laughed for the way she said it before deciding to going to sleep. They were too lazy to go up to their room and Mr. Weasley had temporarily put an extra bed in the room so we 3 perfectly fitted there so decided to sleep there.

"But I don't understand," Teddy said the same thing for the fifth time. I was trying to explain him that I wanted Mr. Potter's help for finding my parents. And he did not get the logic behind my explanation.

"Let's go, Delphini," Mr. Potter said coming into the living room where I sat there with everything ready. "Sure," I stood up and suddenly felt a grip on my wrist. I looked straight into Teddy's eyes. "I hope you succeed this time," he said and loosen his grip.

"Thank you," I said before we flee to the Ministry. I looked around the busy ways people walked through. I followed Mr. Potter who walked quite faster so I had to jog to keep up with his speed. He got greeted from most of the people around the building but none of them seemed to matter him.

He went to open the door which seemed out of the place for the building. What is this place?

"Could you wait here for a while until I will talk with him?" Mr. Potter said and I nodded. He rushed into the room so I decided to lean on the cold hard wall so that I wont be pushed away with the flow of people around me.

I waited for a while wondering about that person.

Wait a minute...

What if Victorie is right?

What if whatever my stepmother told me was all lie because she wanted to hide me from my parents? And what if they are alive and Mr. Potter knows them?

What if it is actually my appearance that reminded him of someone and that's the person he is talking with?

What if my parents had searched for me too after they lost me?

All the 'what ifs' that was flooding inside my brain made me insanely happy. I knew it was just a possibility but it seemed so real, I couldn't wait any longer to see whom I was going to meet with in that room.

I looked at the sky blue door. I wanted to open the door and rush into the person's arms into a tight hug and wanted to shout the world that I'm your daughter. I know I was not sure about what I was imagining but my imagination got so much puffed up, it seemed so real.

Few minutes passed by and I finally saw the doorknob move and the door opened to reveal only Mr. Potter.

My heart was beating so fast and loud, I was about to get some dangerous feelings.

"He agreed to meet you," he said and a huge smile formed on my lips. "Thank you so much!" I don't know why I thanked him for because that didn't exactly made any sense. But I think that's because I thought my imagination was real.

I rushed into the room after him.


The room was full of... dragons!

Before we walked any further, Mr. Potter grabbed a small drum like toy which would make sound when its shaken, from a shelf and kept on shaking until we reached the other corner of the room which had another door.

"Open, quick," he said and as I did he slid in after me.

"Come," he put the little drum on the floor and rushed forward. I followed his back hoping to see any of my parents there.

But whom I saw was totally unexpected...

That was a bit short chapter because I had to leave you guys in cliffhanger. Oops, sorry, but not sorry!

So whom do you think Harry wanted her to meet with? I know that you all know her parents and that they are both dead, he cant make her meet with her parents. So who can be that person? Any guess?

Tell me what you think about this story!! :)

And I almost forgot to mention, thank you readers for making it possible to reach 400+ reads on this story! I hope you like this story.


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