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I laid on my bed thinking. I had never talked to Rose properly before but what she said, was stuck in my head. She was a big girl as compared to Lily and she was not the kind who would just randomly speak anything.

She also knew that my parents were dead. Then what did she mean?

Did she indirectly say that they were like family to me?

I sighed and turned around in the bed. Victorie and Dominique decided to sleep in the another room today to give me some space.

I kept on thinking some different things every single second before I fell asleep with my grip on the most precious photo frame. I had fixed the broken edge so it was no more prickly like my life.

Christmas Eve went on with talking out with Ted, Vic and Dom and playing with the kids all the day. No one talked about my parents and I was glad for that. Tomorrow was going to be the last day here and we were supposed to go back to Hogwarts day after tomorrow.

Just few more moments and I shall never bother any of them again. I was created by their enemy, so I must stay away. That's the best thing I could come up with.

After the Christmas eve dinner, Mr. Potter called me in his study before I went to bed.

"Delphini, I respect that you want to hide the truth for now but it will come out in front one day," he started. "I certainly know that the day will come, and when it will come, everyone will surely avoid me. So before they know it, I want to keep distance between with everyone, that's better for everyone out there," I told.

"I think Hermione, your Mrs. Weasley, have told you already, your parent's identity wont matter unless you make your own," he said silently.

"Might be. But just think of it, someone that killed your parents when you were just a baby has a daughter who is in right in front of you. Would you ever like that person?" I asked making him speechless for a while.

"Look, I will be honest with you," he started, "I kind of disliked you at first. I told Hagrid that a friend of Ted is coming when you were in first grade. Then he said that you might be related with Voldemort after he heard your name and the house that you belonged. He didn't say everything clearly but he said that if Voldemort would ever name a girl, it would be Delphini so he knew at the beginning that you were connected with him. But he never knew how.

And so I never allowed Ted to bring you along with him here because you were must probably the blood of the most feared wizard of all. What if you were meant to be destructive? But I was too curious to who you were so at this point of time, after five years, I allowed him to bring you over. And when you told that you were a parselmouth, I knew there was some connection between you and Voldemort.

But then I observed your behavior here and it was definitely pure. You don't have the hate that your father carried throughout his life. You must have got your father's eyes, but not his soul and you should be glad for that. You don't need to abandon yourself from people,"

He said and took a breath waiting for me to reply.

"But you think that way because you're an adult, you've seen the world more than we did. If I ever say this to Ted, would he ever consider me as a friend again? Forget about being his girlfriend, I will never be able to even see him ever again," I said and shook my head then suddenly stopped. Did I just indirectly say him that I wanted to be his girlfriend?

"I, I mean not in that sense. I was going to say..." I trailed off thinking for a excuse but seems he already caught me.

"Young love, it is always so complicated. Don't worry, you will get everything you deserve in life at some point of time," he chuckled. I nervously smiled back at him and stared at the ground in embarrassment.

"And you might not believe but I was often hated by my own house mate many times during my school years. Even I had some part of Voldemort's flesh in me. Not literally, but somehow. Even I could have chosen the path Voldemort chose and I could have been the bad guy. But choosing the right path is always the good choice. You either choose easy path for nothing or the hard path to be remembered. But there is two types of hard path. One of which was chosen by Voldemort and he is remembered even after his death and another hard path is what I chose, and I will be remembered even after I die. Now you need to decide what you gonna choose,"

"You're the savior of the wizarding world, Mr. Potter. I cant compare myself with you,"

"I'm not saying you to be like that. Just be on the good side always and you will get the good on return. You see, I had no family, no friend until I was in Hogwarts and then somehow I just tried to help in the way I could. I could've just left it away and ignored it like all the other students did. I could have just unseen them. But somehow, I couldn't see bad happening to others and I'm sure you're kind enough to not to choose the wrong path, right?"

"Right?" someone else said from across the room. I looked over at Mrs. Weasley who gave me a heart whelming smile.

"Right," I smiled back at her and to Mr. Potter.

"So have faith in yourself, you're a good person. It doesn't matter who your father was," she said.

"Merry Christmas!" I heard someone yell at the early in the morning and the person ran away and someone else rushed in. "Merry Christmas sleepyhead!" That was Ted. I could tell without opening my eyes.

"What's this...?" his voice lowered as he spoke.

I opened my eyes slowly to see him standing beside my bed holding... a photo frame.

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