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"Are you still not yet ready to tell anything?"

I heard the voice from my back and quickly turned to his way.

"Ted...Um, what if... What if I will go away one day just like that...?" I started off.

"What is wrong with you suddenly? Where are you going?" he said with worry and he knelt down beside me.

"I know it's weird but..." I trailed off.

"Wait, I think I know what you mean," he said suddenly making me feel so cold suddenly.

"You found where your mother is, didn't you? And you're leaving the place to live with her...?"

I was kind of relieved and felt bad at the same time. Thank god, he didn't come up with the truth. But then, I cannot tell him the truth.

I kept quiet, my eyes lingering around the corner of the bed.

"Del, I'm so sorry for earlier. I didn't mean to be rude to you..." he whispered and cupped my face. I felt terrible at that point because I was silently lying to him, betraying him.

"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault," I whispered him back whose hands were still on my cheeks making my face turn hotter and hotter each second.

The intense moment made me so nervous and the closeness of us, made me want to kiss him. But I knew, that would be wrong. So wrong.

"Thank you for the..."

"Dolphin!" Ted was cut off by the high pitch squeal of Lily who was yet to appear in the room. We quickly took decent distance before she entered.

"Thank you for the gift, I loved it," he winked before walking away.

"You too," I said to his back before Lily rushed into the room ever so excitedly.

"You gave me real Dolphin! Its so cool! Mom said me to tell you thank you!" she said waving the dolphin doll in air like it was swimming in the air. "So you were not going to thank me if your mom didn't reminded you?" I teased her.

"No, I was going to but she said it before I did,"

"Anyway, did you like it?"

"Yes yes! It is so cute like you! Thank you!" she hopped on the bed and hugged on my neck so tight making me loose my balance and we both fell back into the bed.

Some tickling session went on between us before we went down for the lunch.

"You should be ready with your bags for tomorrow, you two," Mrs. Potter reminded me and Ted before the lunch was being served in our plates.

"What about you, are you ready with all your stuffs?" Victorie's mother turned to her. I didn't notice before but they were fully dressed. "Are you guys leaving any time soon?" I asked them. "Yeah, we are leaving after lunch. And using the muggle train so we need to be on time," Dominique explained after completing her slice of steak.

"I will miss you guys so much," I said.

"We too. It was so much fun with you around! Specially this little one is gonna miss you very badly," Victorie said and nudged at Lily who giggled.

"No I wont," she said.

"You wont miss me?" I said being confused with the confidence of her.

"No," she said with flickering her hair.


"Because I'm going with you," she said excitedly. Oh, the innocent kids!

We all chuckled at her who confusedly looked around around our faces.

"Sweetie, you cant go with her," Mrs. Potter said filling her plate with more mashed potatoes with a flicker of her wand.

"No! I'm going with her! She will miss me!!!" she cried out stabbing on her steak constantly with the fork, denying to eat.

"After you complete eating, I will give you something," I said trying to influence her mind away from going Hogwarts with me.

"Really? What is it?" she quickly forgot what she was saying few moments back and looked at me with excitement.

"Only after you eat," I said and filled my mouth full with mashed potatoes.

She did the same and finally started to eat again.

I searched for my picture and thankfully found one in the corner of the trunk and pulled it out and handed over to Lily.

"Whenever you miss me, just look at this picture. I will always be there with you, okay?" I said ruffling her hair. "Okay," she said smiling at my picture like the small innocent girl she is.

"Do you talk?" she asked to my picture which only noiselessly chuckled at her.

"She doesn't talk, she is boring," she frowned at me handing the picture back to me.

"But I cant stay with you, right? At least until I come back again, you can be with this," I handed the picture back to her. "You will come back again? Yayy!!" she squealed happily and rushed away from the room leaving my heart squint in pain.

I felt bad for lying to her. How could I break the little heart by telling the truth?

And the worst part is that, this was just the beginning.

I was either going to break the heart of theirs, or mine. I would obviously break mine instead of theirs.

Not telling the truth and staying away from them will be better than telling the truth to them.

I know what Mr. Potter and Mrs. Weasley had told me but I couldn't find anything better. I couldn't just break them by telling my true identity when I don't know the whole truth myself until now. But even if I ever find out, I was never going to reveal.


So do you think Delphini will successfully hide her truth forever? And do you think she will ever find out the truth behind her birth? If so, then how do you think will she ever find out about her birth?

Thank you so much to all my readers for reading my story! This story hasn't gained much popularity like another story of mine did but still, this story got lots of reads and votes and it's all because of wonderful readers like you! Thank you all :)

Now that I have planned this story till the very end, updating speed will be faster than it had been.

I might upload another chapter within couple of hours so stay tuned!

Keep reading, voting and commenting!


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