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It went on without any real conversation among us for couple of remaining days at home. Now I knew why she never cared for me but took care of me so that I would survive. Now I knew why was she so suddenly nice to me on my birthday.

Now I knew she did all of this just because for all the money.

I hated her like anything. I would never trust her ever again.

How could a mother do this to her own child!?

I didn't realize I said that aloud.

"Shut up!" Mother was standing just beside me. "I looked after you for like 11 years, I deserve it," she said sharply.

"But isn't mother suppose to look after their child? Or do they do it for money?" I replied, "if you did not want to take responsibility of me, why did you even gave birth to me!?" I yelled. I didn't care anymore that I was yelling at my mother.

"You are not my daughter! You were just a burden to me for this whole 11 years!" She shouted back.

Why? Why do I feel so much pain and a lump in my throat? Why does it hurt me? Did I really like her as a mother? Even though she never treated me well? Was I really being just a burden to her? Was I that bad?

All the thoughts made my heart ache and I couldn't stop my tears rolling down my cheeks. Why do I still care for her when she did was betrayal and nothing else.

I wished that the journey to Hogwarts could lead to find my real parents.

She didn't come to see me when I boarded the Hogwarts Express but I didn't care anymore. I was glad that I came to know she was just a gold digger.

I found an empty compartment and sat there. I spread the picture of the Riddle House and tried to figure out if I knew the place. But that was no good. I had never even heard of that before.

I heard the compartment door sliding open so I quickly kept the paper back inside the box.

"I hope I didn't interrupt anything?" a boy with brownish red hair said with hesitation. He seemed around my age. May be first grade like me. "No, not at all," I smiled at him to encourage him to be comfortable. "Can I join you? It seems most of the compartments have no free space," he raised one eyebrow in pleading manner and I giggled at that.

"Of course," as I said, he smiled shortly and took a seat opposite from me. "I'm Delphini by the way," "oh, hi. I'm Edward. But everyone calls me Teddy,"

"Hi Teddy. Are you starting Hogwarts this year too?" I asked excitedly. "Yeah. Which house do you think you'll be sorted into?"

"Slytherin," I said without any confusion. That woman, whom I used to call mother, had once told me that my father was a great wizard of all time and he was sorted in Slytherin. But she never said his name. So, I thought I would go into his path. A proudly powerful wizard.

Teddy smiled awkwardly. "Ah, oh. I actually thought people who belong in Slytherin are not nice people," he said and bit his lips in regret. May be he thought that I might felt bad.

"I don't know. But my mother, I mean step mother must have belonged there then," I said. He widened his eyes. "You too don't have real mother?" he asked.

"Um, yeah. I just came to know recently though," I sighed.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that,"

"You said 'too'. Is that mean...?" I asked without completing the sentence but he understood what I meant.

"Actually both my parents died in the war that was around 11 years ago. This is what they looked like," he took out a picture from his jeans pocket and showed to me.

A kind looking couple, male with brownish hair and the woman with purple hair was waving through the picture.

"I'm sorry to hear that," I said bitterly and I was about to return him the picture and noticed that the woman's hair was now red. "She had strange ability to change her appearance. It's called Metamorphmagus," he mentioned when he noticed that I was staring at his mother.

"Oh, I've never heard of anything like that before. That's so... unique!" I said with amusement.

"Yeah, it is very rare trait. By the way, it's like a personal question but do you happen to carry your parents' picture with you?"

I quietly shook my head.

"I don't know what they look like and I don't even know who my parents are. My step mother was a mean person and she never revealed about them. And I came to know that she was not my mother just a few days back," I said silently.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry about that," he stuttered. "No, that's okay. Anyway, I am so excited about going to Hogwarts. And I am planning to find out about my parents here, I have a feeling that this is the place I can get the answer," I said excitedly.

"That's great! I will help you with that," he said and smiled genuinely.

Just in that instance, I could feel he was a nice person.

I really hope to see some more reads, votes and comments...

Is it actually because I don't really write good...? Anything, please tell me. That will be very helpful. But no hate please.

So, bye bye!


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