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"Del?" I heard a faint voice from across the room.

I didn't realize when did I even cried myself to sleep. I looked around to see the darkness all around me. The room was completely dark, totally forgotten to be enlightened. I quickly hid the photo frame below the pillow before I walked up to the switch and turned it on. I flickered my wand to open the door.

"Del, are you okay?" Ted came forward and I backed away.

"What's wrong with you? Vic said you're acting weird after you went with Uncle Harry. Is it about your parents?" he said softly but didn't try to come any further.

"We cant be friends, Ted. I'm sorry for befriending you, I really am," as I said, I shot my hands on my mouth. I shouldn't have said that! Now what do I explain to him?

"Del, Uncle Harry told me everything," he said with the soothing tone but that just made me feel like ice rolling down my back. Did he tell everything? Even after I told him not to...?

"Del, its okay if you found nothing about your parents. It is not the end of the world. I'm here too who lost the parents. If your stepmother is bad person, it isn't your fault! You don't have family doesn't mean you cant make any. We can make a family,"

He said and there was a sudden silent. I started laughing for what he just said.

"Sorry, that came out wrong," he said turning his hair to pastel blue and laughed along with me for a while.

"But never say that we cant be friends. Your faith cant come in between our friendship," he said and came forward. This time, I didn't back away. But I certainly stopped laughing.

But I wanted to tell him that I shouldn't be here with him. I wanted to tell him the reason why I should stay away from him.

"Del, now where's the pretty smile?" he said and playfully pinched my cheeks.

I think I will tell him about us being apart later. It was not the right time, I thought.

I smiled at him and hugged around his chest. He hugged me back and patted my head as if I was a little kid. But I couldn't help it, I'm so short in front of him, I am like a little kid in front of him.

"I'm sorry," I blurted out.

"Don't be. If you're fine, everything will be fine," he smiled and pulled away.

"Now come down for dinner, you must be hungry," he said and pulled me by the hand.

Just when I entered the dining room, everyone's eyes turned on me. "I thought you wouldn't show up," Mrs. Potter smiled at me and pointed to the empty chair beside Lily. "Where did you go! I missed you every day!" Lily said and hugged my thighs before I settled down on my seat.

"Don't leave me tomorrow, Dolphin!" she squealed and climbed back on her seat.

"Lily really likes you," Dominique said with a chuckle.

"But why did you leave me?" Lily said with a pout. "I, ugh," I was lost for words when Mrs. Weasley helped me.

"She went out to find her daddy and mommy," that was quite accurate but I didn't want this little one worry about me.

"Why? Did you lost them in supermarket? My mommy was lost in supermarket too but I found her myself!" she squealed proudly making all of erupt into fits of laughter. "I will find them really soon, don't worry," I said with a wink and she nodded vigorously.

"If you find them, I will meet them too, okay? I will tell them that you're my Dolphin," she said randomly and yelled out in happiness when she saw tower of sausages coming on the table in a huge plate. "That's my plate!" she shouted at the plate making all of us laugh again.

I was so surprised to see the number of sausages she ate. I even lost the count at some point. She had pretty much crazy appetite for her favorite foods.

"Delphini," Mrs. Weasley called me after the dinner was over and everyone was busy chattering around. "Huh?" I walked up to her and she called me in the corner.

"Harry told me everything about it," she started. She must be talking about that I couldn't find anything about my parents but her next sentence surprised me.

"I know Voldemort was your father. Don't worry, he didn't tell the truth to anyone else. But he thought I could help you find out about your birth. And don't feel bad for who your father was, feel proud for who you are, and..."

"Dolphin!" she was interrupted by Lily coming in between. I gulped and just nodded before Lily rushed to hug my thigh. I was curious for what she was going to tell further but I couldn't ask anything in front of Lily.

"Dolphin, Dolphin, Dol Dol Dolphin!" she randomly sang and skipped around me. "I want to hear bed time story from you!" she said and pulled me with all her might. "Sure," I gave a last glance to Mrs. Weasley before heading with Lily into children's room. Every single child was provided with a bed of their own and some of them were already asleep.

"I want to hear a story of..." she trailed off thinking about a story line while I helped her to tuck herself in the bed. "of a prince who killed the bad guy!" she exclaimed and I shushed her. "Shh, see your brothers are sleeping," I whispered and pointed to the other bed. "Shh," she copied me and waited for me to come up with a story.

"So... There was an ordinary guy, who lived with mean people in ordinary place and was ordinary person until he knew he was a wizard!" I exclaimed dramatically after I came up with something very random but she just showed me her poker face. "Everyone is wizard, duh," she said as if I bored her. I chuckled at her and continued. So, she doesn't know about muggles.

"So he didn't know he could use magic. But one day he came to know that he was a wizard. Then he went to the school, Hogwarts. He came to know that there was a bad person who killed his parents. He grew up to be very powerful and at the last year of his school, he fought the bad guy and killed him!" That was very short but I couldn't come up with anything better. I was very bad at creating stories. That was best I could do.

"But he isn't a prince," she winced.

"But he has a princess,"

"How? Who is that princess?" she said excitedly.

"Her name is Lily Luna Potter!" I exclaimed dramatically and she squealed in excitement. "That's me! I'm a princess?" she said with wide eyes.

"Did you not know that you're such a cute little princess?" I said and she nodded excitedly. "Where's my castle?"

"Every princess doesn't own a castle, you see, you have got such a good family. Only a princess gets a beautiful family like them,"

"Then they are a princess too?" Lily pointed to the bed where Rose was lying with her book and a lighten up wand.

"Everyone is a princess but you're special," I said.


"Because... you're special to me. You're my princess," I pinched her nose playfully earning a chuckle from her.

"I'm sleepy now, night night," she said with a yawn. "Goodnight, princess," I kissed her forehead before heading out of the room. Just then, I saw Rose staring at me.

"If your definition of princess is true, you're a princess too,"

Guys!!! So sorry for late update on this.

I have suddenly come up with a story prompt and I just wanted to write it before I forget.

It is a very short 10 chapter story and I have uploaded 9 of them already.

It is called "Arrest Me". If you like Mystery/Thriller or suspense type story, please do check it out.

So that's it for now.

Thank you for supporting my story :) And I am so happy that this story got over 600 readers. Thank you!

Slytherin Heiress ☑Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz