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"Shh, listen first. I knew he wouldn't kill me, so there was less danger of me dying. And somewhat I thought I might be able to save something for better. But what I could do was just a little," I sighed.

"What did you do?" he asked curiously.

"At first, I tried to save Mr. Potter's parents, but I couldn't. I could just save him from the killing curse at the right time and I had transferred a bit of my blood just for a little protection purpose. But after all, I failed to change the future," I sighed in complete disappointment.

I faced him when he didn't speak up. He was staring at me with wide eyes.

"So it was you the reason Uncle Harry survive the killing curse! That is not just a little, but a huge difference. If you hadn't done it, things might have been different. He would have killed on the spot and the world would be under the curse of Voldemort. Think about it, the reason he won against Voldemort was all because you saved him and he is alive," he explained and shook me by my shoulders.

"Ouch," a sudden sharp pain ran through my entire body as he shook me.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, did I hurt you?" he asked with worry and moved his hands away.

"Am I not recovered yet? I thought I was okay when there was no pain at all," I asked between my deep breaths. But what I got in return, was his awkward expression.

"You will be okay really soon," he said reassuringly.

"There's something wrong, isn't it...?" I could sense that from his expression. Suddenly out of the blue, I felt some weirdness on my face. Skin felt as though it was being rough and too dry and stretched in weird way. When I felt my face, I could feel some bumps here and there.

"Delphi, don't worry, you will be okay," he abruptly pulled my hands away from my face.

What is happening? What's going on...?

"I want a mirror," I said silently.

"You're pretty as always, Delphi," I could hear him stutter at some part. There's definitely something wrong was going on.

"Ted, please. I need a mirror. I know there's definitely something is wrong," I said sternly.

He gulped before murmuring "accio" with his wand in his hand.

Soon, a mirror came flying into his hand. He hesitated before handing it to me.

Suppressing the loud heart beats that was keeping my hands in slow motion, I took the mirror from his hand. I was too scared to look at it for I was quite sure I would see something horrible.

When I looked into the reflection, what stared back at me was not me.

That was me, but not my usual self.

My face was completely covered with scars covering most part of my face. My face was looking so horrible and ugly, I cant believe anyone was willing to talk with someone with such ugly face. I saw the reflection shedding the tear as I felt hot tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Delphi, no, don't," he said and sat beside me.

"Why didn't you tell me before? Why didn't you tell me that I looked so horrible? I look so ugly, how did you manage to look at me, let alone talk to me?" I couldn't help but to cry.

"Don't say that. You were always beautiful and you always will be," he whispered after hugging me in his chest. But I knew he said that just to make me feel better. I nudged him away and took a distance.

"I know you don't actually think that. You're just lying for me to feel better. But the truth is, I'm ever so ugly and so horrible!" I shouted hysterically and threw the mirror on the ground making a sharp scattering sound and breaking it into millions and billions pieces in a second. I couldn't take it anymore.

WHY ME!? I was just trying to make the past better. Then why me...?

"No, I'm not lying. Delphi, you are beautiful and no one can change that. Not even these scars," he whispered and caressed my cheeks softly but that wasn't going to help me to forget what I looked like. I was not only having horribly shattered face at the moment, but equally shattered heart as well by not telling him how I killed his parents.

"I'm ugly inside and out. I know it,"

"Delphini, stop telling nonsense now. Just accept that..."

"It's my fault that your parents died," I cut him off and now it was sure thing he was going to hate me.

He was going to hate me forever.

He just stared at me blankly for a while, as though he was trying to find something to say but the silence told me everything. He definitely hates me now.

I hope you like the story.

See you at the next chapter!

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