I grabbed a shirt from on the floor and wiped his cum off my hands before replacing it as Chris laid beside me.

My dick was painfully hard at the fact that it was my name being called and not that fucking pervert or that asshole of a friend he thinks he has. I waited for him to calm down and I sat next to him as he closed his eyes; a smile, the only evidence that he was still awake. His eyes soon opened to reveal the darkest shade of green I'd ever seen it turn and he smiles. For some reason I forgot how to breath and without thought, I returned it.

Chris is quick to pull me to him and I barely managed to laugh as he crashes his lips to mine. He's suddenly on top of me and my pants is quickly being pulled open. Chris has this wicked look on his face and I can't wait to find out why.

I help him take the clothes from my lower half off, and he bites back his words at the sight of my erect cock. His green eyes looks up at me and I could see his blush once again. Before I could speak he's lying besides me and the top of my dick has disappeared into his mouth.

I'm thankful for the rain because I curse loudly at the feel of his hot mouth on me. There is no way that he never did this before. He barely got started and yet I felt as though I was ready to shoot. The thought pissed me off but as soon as it formed, it disappeared when my balls were sucked.

When he once more took my length, I held his head still as I bucked my hips and the gurgling sound he made had me going faster as I continually cursed; shooting my load down his throat.

It surprised me when he swallowed instead of spitting and I ran a hand through my hair as I allowed my body to calm down. Chris was sitting back on his legs watching me and I smiled as I held out my hand to which he wasted no time in coming into it.

His nice round ass was pressed against my side and I was tempted to turn into him so I could rub my still hard cock, against it. We were both quiet and before long I felt his even breathing on my biceps. When I was sure that he was in deep sleep, I pulled the cover over us and turned my body into him. He was warm and smooth and his body fit perfectly against me.

I nuzzled his long hair that smelt fruity and he wiggled his ass closer as he got more comfortable. Laughing, I quietly joined him in sleep.


"Yo D!"

"Mm." I groaned annoyed as I was being awoken out of my comfortable sleep. "Fuck off." I grumbled.

"Dude! You can't miss practice again. Coach is gonna have your ass." The voice whispered again while tugging my arm.

I heard groaning coming from another person and I cautiously opened my eyes. Dan was hovering above me and Chris, and I looked beside me to see that I was closely hugging him. The sheet had come off some point during the night and now we were both exposed and so clearly naked.

I felt like my heart stopped beating as I looked up at Dan again and he just tapped his wrist before throwing me my boxers.

"Get up." He whisper shout, trying not to wake Chris.

For some reason I didn't want to wake him either and so I waited until Dan turned around before I slowly pulled away from Chris and climbed over him. He was still deep in sleep and I grabbed my towel as I headed to the bathroom. I shower quickly, all the while freaking out about Dan but as I renter the room he was just finished fixing his hair.


He turns to face me and heads out so I follow.

"About just now-"

"We're late let's just get to practice." He cuts in and I stay silent as we join the others on the field.

I spot Eric and he waves me over.

"Hey man, how you feeling?"

"Good." I respond.

"Tried waking you up about ten or so but you were out cold."

"Uh... yeah."

"You okay?"

We were both doing warm up exercises away from the rest of the team but I couldn't get my mind to focus on anything other than thinking Dan was gonna rat me out to the entire Uni. I mean, if I had walked in on that scene, I probably would have caused hell; so for him to behave so weird, is weirding me out.

"I'm just tired." I reply.

"You're always tired man. You need to ease up fucking." He stops to smirk at me. "Or increase."

I force a laugh before starting to rejoin the others and I don't miss the concerned look on my best bro's face. Telling him what's on my mind would cause me to lose him and as gay as that sounds... I wouldn't survive that. In a sense, he and Dan are the only two people I got left and I couldn't afford to fuck that up.

I pushed all thoughts to the back of my mind as I focused on practice and before long I was heading into the locker room with the rest of my teammates.

I had never pushed myself as hard as I did this morning and although I knew my body would pay before the end of the morning, it was worth it. Even coach tried to get me to slow down but I really needed the distraction. I sat on the bench near my locker and closed my eyes as I rested my head against the wall. I felt confused and tired and I had no energy to think anymore.

The loud chatter around me became a distant noise as I blocked out the sounds and when I'd reopened my eyes, the room was clear and silent. My watch told me it was almost nine and I couldn't believe I sat here for nearly 2 hours. I decided to just skip the bath and take it in my dorm and so I grabbed my bag and started to head out.

I heard a distant grunt and thought coach was still in so I headed towards the shower to have a talk about the upcoming game. The grunt was somehow getting louder and more frequent and I thought he was masturbating until I realized that it wasn't the coach and he wasn't alone.

The person in the shower was Danny and I stood frozen as I saw him with Brent from the tennis team. I didn't know how to react to the sight of my childhood friend fucking another boy.

My heart was racing and as much as I wanted to punch him for making me think he would rat me out, I also wanted to punch him for lying to me about fucking girls.

I wanted to march up to him and shove him against a wall but all I did was stare at him as he completely destroyed the lad's ass. It was a strange sight and I felt sick to my stomach before I ran to the outside where I dry heaved as my body felt overwhelmed.

I get making out with a guy but the whole fucking thing, was weirding me out. How can you stick your dick into a man's ass and enjoy that? Like... how?!

Instead of going back to my dorm I walked around campus in an attempt to clear my head. There was no way that I could do that. Maybe I needed to see this... maybe this means that I'm not actually gay. There's no way on this green earth that I would do that without feeling sick so that means I'm not gay.

But that means that Danny was...

Was all my friends gay?

Is Eric gay?!

Before I could even consider the thought, my phone beeped and I was never so happy to get a text from one of my many nameless whores.

-I'm on my way- I text as I head towards the directions sent.

Turning The Straight Player Gay. (Book One.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora