27. Abby & Jordan

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"Are you serious!" She yells up into the sky.

I stare wide eyed at her, convinced the lady has lost her mind. I kind of feel bad for her because we've all had those days where nothing has went our way. We catch as many papers as we can before returning it to the woman.

"Thank you. I'm so sorry. This isn't how I wanted us to meet." She apologizes.

I wave her off, "No worries. I'm Abby and this is my friend Alyssa."

"Kayla." She puts out her hand for us to shake it and we both shake her hand, giving her a polite smile.

"Well, I'll show you the house before anything else happens." She jokes and we awkwardly laugh at her misfortunes.

We walk inside of the house and it looks just as great as it does on the inside as it does on the outside. I can already imagine all the furniture I want in here and where I want it to be.

"This house has six bedrooms and five bathrooms. It has a pool outside along with a very big back yard. The upstairs is just as beautiful as the downstairs and is perfect for a couple that are looking to have kids in the future. The neighbors are very friendly and they will respect your privacy as long as you don't give them a reason to break it. I'll show you everything on the first floor." She tells us and we follow her lead.

"I don't know about you, but I'm already bought." Alyssa whispers to me, still amazed by the house.

"I think I am too." The only problem with the house is that it's really big for two people. Jordan and I haven't talked about kids and I don't want to either. It's a little too early to have a conversation about kids. We're not even married yet.

Kayla shows us all the rooms on the first floor before showing us the whole second floor. She also shows us the back yard and I smile at how beautiful the backyard is. The space is absolutely perfect for having parties and what not. The patio is beautiful and I can't wait to add furniture to it.

"So, what do you think?" Kayla asks.

"It's great, but I'm thinking it might be a little too big. I mean, it's just me and my boy– fiancé." I correct myself. I can't believe Jordan is my fiancé.

"Well, eventually you'll want to have kids right?" She asks the question I hoped she wouldn't have asked.

Alyssa sees me hesitate to answer and steps in for me. "I think we're just going to leave it as an option. I'm sure she'd like to discuss it with her fiancé."

Kayla nods her head, "That's fine. I can show you a few smaller houses if you'd like."

"That would be great." I tell her.

Jordan and I are going to have a lot to discuss tonight. Right now we're staying in Troy's guest room. We both decided that staying with our parents was a little awkward, so Jordan asked Troy if we could stay with him until we find a house.

Kayla ends up showing us two more houses, but none of them satisfy me like the first one. The house is absolutely perfect, but I don't plan on having kids until I'm at least thirty four. The house would be absolutely too big for just two people. I hope whatever house Jordan picked out will be perfect for the both of us.

Jordan's pov

"Who the hell lived here last? Austin Powers?" Troy asks as he looks at the furniture in the house we're in.

The lady who's showing us around laughs at him. "An old couple lived here last. They're getting their stuff moved out now."

"You should offer them some advice about how to decorate their home." I hit Troy on the arm, telling him to shut up.

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