Chapter 20

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Eren's POV

"Tell me" I demanded in a deep tone watching every move Annie made towards the couch. She sat down and huffed a bit as I pulled up a chair and sat down in front of her.

"Where are they?" I asked trying to intimidate her.

Deep down inside I was scared, worried shitless and wanted to break something, but I was talking to Annie. I had to sound tough and cold to get to her otherwise she think I'm being foolish. Plus she think I'm being an idiot like always and I haven't went through shit for nothing just to turn back without my kids. I was going to make sure Mikasa and I went back to the normal lives we had together, harmless and overprotective I would have to be over them more because of this tragedy.

I'd have to get tougher for them then. I knew something like this would happen and I'm glad I was prepared for it.

"Bertholdt has them" she blurts out interrupting my thoughts.

I say nothing after hearing that. Bertholdt. Bertholdt had MY kids with him. He was the colossal Titan and he had MY kids with him!

I could feel my blood boil through my veins and clutched my fist together.

"Before you get any bad ideas" Annie continues. "He isn't going to hurt them, I just told him to go far away and I'm sure he wouldn't want them to get hurt either" she states.

"Which way?" I asked standing to my feet.

"Woah you aren't going anywhere" Annie said coldly while standing up to face me, ready for if I tried to make an exit.

"Annie those are my kids!" I exclaimed. "Those kids is our way out of here and back home!" She says poking my chest.

"Annie can't you understand this isn't your home?? Back to the walls, with Sasha,Connie and them, that's home! Home is anywhere your happy and comfortable to be, your home would never let you become some monster and let you set out for a mission" I explained. "I've lost my home but I'm still happy because I have the ones I love with me" I said walking closer to her and putting my hands on her small shoulders.

"You can't tell me what to do, I know where my home is and who comes with me...Bertholdt is apart of my home along with Reiner, and we aren't leaving till we have what we want" Annie grits her teeth.

I furrowed my brows and my eyes turn a icy stare.

"So your not going to tell me where my kids are?" I asked while sliding a blade out of its area.

She doesn't seem a bit scared and didn't even fidget at the sight. "It's my job not to tell you, I have a reason as to why I'm doing this, I didn't want to do this, I had no choi-" "now that's where your wrong" I cut her off while swinging the blade to the tip of her chin.

I wanted to kill Annie after all she has done. I wasn't going to make her fool me into letting her escape and run off with the kids.

The memories. The memories of Levi squad came rushing back to me. There deaths that was caused by her -the female titan-.

"You had a choice!" I suddenly yelled at her. She seemed a bit startled when I swung the blade a bit close to her face.

"You had a fucking choice" I say softening my voice.

"If you didnt want to do it that was your chance to figure out what's right for you! If you didnt want to kill all those people why didn't you just turn yourself in?! They would of understood if you was being forced to do this crap!" I yelled at her, tears flowed into my eyes but I held my ground and tried not to shed any tears.

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