Chapter 22

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Katheren's POV

It's been forever since I've been walking, I didnt stop nor rest till I found the house to go back for daddy. But the only thing I really wanted was my big brother back. It all felt so fake, like a dream when he had got eaten. But in reality he was actually gone.

I couldn't cry anymore. I've been crying all night and all my tears have seen to have dried up.

"Eren..." Was all I could really say right now.

I continued walking and waking endlessly still not seeing any sign of the house, wow that tall ber....bor?....Benutho or whatever took us wayyyy to far.

My stomach grumbled as I whimpered really wanting some food right now.

I also needed water before I literally was going to die of dehydration.

I looked up and scouted the trees and didn't see not one fruit planted on a leaf. I dropped my arms all droopy like and let out another sigh. "How far am I from home?" Was all I wandered now.

Now that big brother wasn't around to keep me motivated, I felt utterly depressed and useless. I only did things with him to impress him and show him what a great little sis I was but he's gone and there's no point in living no more.

How far am I actually from home? I thought.

All I've been doing was moving and moving that I haven't really calculated how close home was. I miss home though.

I miss waking up to mommy's delicious cooking aroma spreading through the air, playing with Eren and watching daddy try to catch a little boar to kill for dinner when we run out of food, having family time, learning, reading and all. I don't even know if I'll actually get that chance anymore. What if these are my last day? If so I regret it all.

I never want to be separate from my family.

I heard a faint sound but I couldn't tell if it was my conscience or just birds chirping. If it's my conscience I'm going crazy.

The faint sound got closer this time and as I turned around I wasn't surprised when I saw a Titan running. But this Titan was going full speed! "Woah!" I shrieked as it got closer.

I immediately started running not really wanting to die although it wouldn't bother me as much because I rather be with my twin in heaven.

I looked back and saw the Titan catching up to me and let out a loud scream.

"Someone help me!!" I shouted as loud as I could but I knew it was no use because I doubt anyone was in this distance!

It got closer and closer and before I knew it it's feet was on top of me.

A loud thud went off and I was knocked to the ground.

I covered my head to prevent my head from getting injured and as soon as I looked up the Titan stood still in front of me. I started shaking ready for my last breath to be a scream. It turned around and faced me and suddenly a weird feeling popped up in my chest.

It's bright green eyes burning deeply into mine. It did nothing but turn around and before I knew it I was being lifted into the air and in the palm of it's hand.

I say nothing and decided to keep my scream in before I got my own self eaten.

I guess staying quiet was the best option.

It's hand gently placed me on its small but broad shoulder.

I say nothing still and it starts running. I instantly forgot I was on top of a Titan and almost ended up falling in the process but I maintained by holding tightly to its shoulder and pulling a pinch of its hair. I noticed this Titan was different and for some reason it didn't scare me. I wasn't shaking and it showed me it wasn't a threat. Do nice Titans exist?

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