Chapter 4

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Eren's POV

We got to the Scout regiment the next morning and as we walked by the soldiers some either whispered or just starred at me. I guess they remember me as the Titan shifter that has gotten the most strongest girl soldier pregnant because of my problems. If so then I'm likely to be hated but then again I hope all of my friends been okay and is still alive from these pass four years.

Some people waved at me. I guess I've gotten pretty popular over the years speaking I'm a Titan shifter and is humanity's last hope. Then suddenly Annie popped in my head. The female Titan. The cold hearted bitch that killed innocent soldiers and citizens. I wanted to avenge their deaths and I swear to get revenge. She's killed to many people for an abnormal with intelligence.
But the armored Titan and Colossal Titan killed thousands and I wonder who's the humans behind all that skin.

"Make yourself comfortable soldier your still a Titan so your still going to have your own room" Erwin says leading me to a familiar place. The dungeon. Just great.

"We tidy it up a bit for you to" Levi says holding a broom. I snickered at his obsession with cleaning. "Shut up brat" he scolded as I looked in the cold looking cell. At least I had covers on that cold hard bed along with a pillow. "We had mini chains for you so your not hanging as you sleep" Erwin spoke. "Thanks" I say lowly. "Anyway how is Mikasa and the kids?" Levi asked. "There good and healthy they probably noticed I'm gone right now but I'm sure Rico will get the thought out of there heads" I say when we go back up to the surface.

I look at the field of full concentrated soldiers who are fighting hand to hand combat. It has gotten serious now.

There flipping people over and making each other bleed to death.

I cringe when I see a tall brunette girl kick a big buff guy in the face making his mouth and nose bloody. But I remember them clearly as soon as there faces was shown when she flipped him down and stepped on his back. "Ha! Who has Christa now!" She laughed evilly. It was Ymir and Reiner!. "Yea yea whatever" he mumbled standing. I noticed Levi and Erwin had left and I ran over to the two grown teens. "Hey Ymir and Reiner!" I smiled approaching them and the two seemed shocked by my appearance.

"Eren?!?" Ymir exclaimed covering her cheeks. "I can't believed your back!" She squealed. "Yea I'm back" I chuckled nervously rubbing my head.

"Well where is Mikasa and the two munchkins!?" Reiner asked excitedly folding his arms.

"They aren't here it's only me, and how did you know me and Mikasa had kids?" I asked

"Hanji told Erwin, Erwin told Levi, Levi told a dead Petra which Bertholdt accidentally heard who told us, Ymir and Christa gossiped about it, and now the whole regiment is buzzing about the news for weeks now ever since we heard you was coming back" Reiner explained gesturing his hands around.

"Wow" I coughed. "Soldiers get back to work!" One of the captain's ordered

"Well see you around at the mess hall Eren" Ymir said jabbing her arm in my side and left with Reiner.

I walked around the field and someone caught my eye who didn't seem to want to do hand to hand combat.

"Armin!" I yelled out startling him as he turned around with his eyes closed as he held his hands up in defense.

"I'M NOT SKIPPING TRAINING HONEST!" He yelled. "Armin it's me!" I say as he opened one eye then both when he saw me and his blue orbs widened. "EREN!" He yelled out loudly. I nodded as he hugged me tightly. "I've missed you how is everything?!" He asked. "I'll explain everything later right now I need someone to train with mind if you wanna be my sparring partner?" I asked. He nodded quickly as we both backed a few inches from each other.

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