Chapter 27

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Warning!!! Lots of dramatic events. This is the most dramatic chapter ever! But this is attack on Titan so why not expect it? Anyway sorry for not updating thank you for not rushing me. Hope you enjoy this chapter my fellow readers/ followers/companions/

Katheren's POV

Just when you could think "could this get any worse?" After you thought you've already gone through what you assumed was the worst...all hell is loose after making that assumption.

After getting kidnapped from your parents, tortured by needy young adults, running away from titans and witnessing your brother being killed in front of you. You would already think the worse has happened and your completely miserable.

But when your standing in fear watching as your dad who was now in titan form take on a much more stronger looking titan with his friends protecting him and seeing reinforcements die before you...

Then your completely wrong.

I stood there for what seemed like forever watching the bloody fight.

I inhaled sharply when I saw the armored titan snap off my dads arm. I never noticed a fearful scream that has engulfed out of my throat. I wanted to help. I couldn't stand back knowing my dad was out there fighting for his life.

"Daddy..." I mumbled a bit weak. "D-daddy-" I reached my hand out for him but it was immediately pulled away.

"No darling you can't be out there" the tall good looking man with the thick eyebrows says.

I frowned and pulled my hand back gently. Letting out a sigh I continued watching the fight.

"Commander Erwin sir, that's my daddy and he needs my help. I can't stand here knowing he needs backup" I say.

"He has backups" he tells me pointing to the small army of scouting members that just so happen to appear.

"They won't be expendable for much longer" I breathed out.

"That titan is killing them all, he is going to wipe them all out it looks impossible to kill!" I pointed out the obvious watching as a girl with long brown hair in a ponytail without hesitation tried to slice through the armored titans arm but had not succeeded. "Crap!" She yelped before quickly dodging an attack from the big fella.

Another girl with long blonde hair goes up to its face. Wow she must have the guts to confront someone 34× her size.

"Reiner! What your doing isn't right you can change this, I know your in there somewhere and even I know the real Reiner wouldn't do this! He wouldn't" The small blonde yells.

"For god sakes Reiner if you turn yourself in right now more consequences won't be added to you. But if you continue to fight...what do you think you'll accomplish?" She asked in a sad tone.

Everything seemed slow for a bit.

Until his hand swung for his face. "CHRISTA!" The gang of friends yelled in simultaneously.

Before she was killed another girl with short brown hair this time quickly flew up to her and grabbed her.

"Reiner what is your reason for doing this?! If your forced into doing this then you can let go and walk away like nothing happened!" A weird small bald headed looking guy says but I'm pretty sure he has hair.

Daddy gets up after being thrown and charges at the armored titan, knocking him over.

"Are we going to win?" I asked while holding on tightly to his hand.

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