Chapter 25

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Eren's POV

Next morning arrived and Mikasa, Katheren and I was packing up some provisions that seemed useful so we could head out to go back to the walls. Since I sincerely declared our son was dead I thought it would be a great opportunity to leave and just start over like nothing happened but Mikasa protested and declared we find our son whom she know isn't dead. Katheren also agreed saying how she knew he was still alive because she could feel it.

I didn't want neither of them to get hurt so I suggested we retreat to the walls whether he was dead or alive I couldn't risk the rest of the families life.

So now Mikasa and I was arguing back and forward in the small adult room while Katheren waited patiently outside for our answer.

"Mikasa we can't keep trying to live out here, we have one of our kids and I'm sure as hell not risking the rest of the family!" I supported my claim. She shook her head in disagreement and pursed her lips.

"We're parents Eren, we have to do what's best for the family" she constructs. "I know! And the best option we have as of right now is to report back to the walls and get you to a doctor" I acknowledge.

"But Eren this is our child we're talking about! A human being that you helped me raise I'm not giving up nothing till I have my other child back and we could be pieced together" Mikasa stated.

My gaze fell and I let out a agitated sigh knowing this argument was getting nowhere.

"Mika-" "Eren...This is our child" she reclaims. "I don't want to live knowing I'm letting our son struggle to survive out here" she says firmly.

"I can't risk it Mikasa I'm sorry but we're going back to the walls, I'll be back out here to look for our son" I establish. She nods in disagreement once again.

"You'll die without me next to you" she envelopes her hands into mine.

"Why is that your excuse for everything?" I questioned. "Because it's true" she states nonchalantly.

Silence engulfed into the room that all I could hear was our rigid breathing that we shared between each other.

Before I could gather my thoughts to come up with a final solution I feel her moist soft lips press gently against mine.

I could see where this was heading and I certainly was not going to fall for it.

I pulled a few centimeters away, our foreheads still connected together, her warm breath hitting my neck.

"I'm sorry this is hard for you, for us to come up with a solution to all of this but I'm not risking it your sick and who will supervise Kathy when we both have to part ways at one time when it's a life or death situation? I can't compete with that Mika I'm sorry, I have to do this, we have to confirm this, it's our only option" I proclaimed. My thumbs dragged drastically down her soft wet cheeks that somehow was covered by tears. I looked up now noticing her teary red eyes.

I placed a tender kiss on her forehead and pulled her into a tight embrace.

My head leaning on her very own. I slowly pull away and leave her by herself so she could recover from what we talked about, hopefully my point has finally driven into her head.

"Daddy..." Katheren trails off when she see's me unable to speak like she knows what the deal is when she looks into my eyes.

She frowns and averts her gaze from me and stays silent.

It hurt to see her like this.

"It's okay Kath-" "no it's not! Eren is still out there waiting for our rescue and your doing nothing about it!" She abruptly shouted.

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