Chapter 30

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Home. A place your familiar with. A place where you know you belong. Where you can have a family and call a house your own.

Home. A place full of memories and childhood adventures.

Home. Was the word you would always say when you wanted to go back to the place you knew and loved.

A place where no one could kick you out.

I loved my home many years back. But my parents were murdered in an incident and I survived. Mr Yeager and his son Eren Yeager took me in and I lived with them for a few. But then the wall was breached by the colossal titan and Eren and I escaped the tragedy with Mr Hannes, one of the garrison members. Eren's parents didn't make it and I can tell how devastated he felt and the eager for vengeance he felt inside. Till we joined the scouts that became our  home. We both trained and made friends. When everyone found out about Eren's ability, his home was a jail cell and I was in a shack with the girls.

Home. Was all I would think about when I saw Eren or was in deep thought.

I wanted to go home.

After finding Eren in the fields 4-5 years ago and saw he was weeping about not wanting to be a titan I took him to my room. He poured out all his feelings and I stored them in my heart. That was their home.

Then me and Eren were selfish and we did things together. We made love and we loved it.

Even though there was no room for love in a world like this we still did it. We broke the rule.

Soon after I became really Ill and I thought it was just a virus from the food or it was me being homesick. But weeks passed then a month and I wasn't getting better. Then a small hump formed. "Your having kids" Hanji told me and I broke the news to Eren. Children were building up inside me and I would have to take them home as well. Despite the fact I was pregnant I knew I couldn't take care of those kids. But me and Eren did it. We kept the twins. Then we went home.

4 years later Annie broke from the MP's and transformed in the city. She took our kids and along with her, bertholdt would torture them.

They wanted to go home but they couldn't without our rescue.

I had to stay home because I grew weaker. But those were my kids....and they were far away.

Finally after what seemed like years we finally had the whole family back from all the pain, crying and fighting we've all been doing. "Let's go home" Eren said.

It was a great idea from the start as soon as Reiner was killed.

We returned to the city. To our city. And finally we were home.

It was night time. Everyone decided to sleep but tomorrow would be a wonderful day.

Eren tucked us all in bed and then we got in bed together.

We both let out a long sigh. "Good to be home" he says.

"Yeah.... Good to be home" I say taking in the unforgettable sight of our room. We smuggled together. And slept.

We were finally home.

Short chapter yes I know but it fit the mood. No worries the next chapters are much longer.

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