Chapter 9

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Bertholdt POV

I was with Ymir and the rest. We all gathered around when we heard about the female Titan appearing at Sina.

Eren was already there which meant capturing them both would be a breeze.

"We need the toughest soldiers out there" Levi states following Erwin. "Your right otherwise we're wasting bodies, Reiner, Ymir, Bertholdt and Sasha I need you all out there!" Erwin ordered. "Yes sir" we all saluted and headed out.

Getting out of here was easy. I attached myself to my gear and headed out into Sina seeing the city halfway into ruins. "Why is Annie doing this?" Sasha asked a bit depressed. "I thought they had kept her chained up?" She restated. "It's okay Sash let's just focus on evacuating the city and fighting back" Ymir replied.

I saw Annie in the distance, fighting all the soldiers that came to her. She managed to keep up with all of there attacks and even killed them in harsh ways. Hopefully she doesn't mistaken me for one of them.

"Look out!" Reiner shouted and before I could even move someone landed on me and we both fell 10 meters from the sky and crashed on the ground. "Bertholdt!" Reiner and Sasha yelled.

I groaned and looked up seeing Eren on my chest. "Eren?!?" I say and lifted his bloody body up. He seem to have passed out. "Eren are you okay?" I asked. But he didn't move. This was my chance to get him.

I slowly got up and heard a loud crash and saw pieces of buildings falling down. Lots of buildings was going down. I used my gear to dodge all the falling debris while holding Eren. It was hard to control the gear and carry someone and we both ended up going down again. I heard a faint groan and saw Eren up. "Eren? Are you okay?" I asked. "Bertholdt?" He said standing up and rubbing his head. "Bertholdt your hurt!" He exclaimed. I blushed.

"Don't worry about me" I said. "I'm fine" I assured.

How was I suppose to lure him out now when he was conscious?

"Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded. "Well then come help me find Mikasa and my family I need to know if there safe" he said. "Uh there fine I saw them go into shelter" I lied. Worse lie ever but Eren caught onto it. "Okay then" he grabbed out a blade

"Hey I know were fighting your crush but don't take it personal, she doesn't deserve to live" Eren spoke. My blood boiled. "And why is that?" I asked. "Look at what she is doing! She is killing innocent soldiers who have families for damn sakes! And civilians" he spoke. "She is a monster!" He declared. "No she isn't she is just defending herself!" I protested. "Monsters keep killing Bertholdt if she was defending herself she would be running away!"

I said nothing and watched as he used his gear to get back into the fight.

No. She isn't a monster! She's human just like the rest of you

Mikasa's POV

"Mommy I want Daddy" Katheren cried. "Baby be quiet Daddy with be fine" I assured her.

"Kathy it will be alright" Eren said holding her tightly. Katheren got better. "Thanks brother" she smiled. "Rico can you please check on Eren" I asked. "But I need to stay with you Mikasa you might get...k-i-double l-e-d" she spelled out.

"I'll be fine as long as Eren is okay" I say. She sighs in defeat. "Fine Mikasa" she says and heads out. It gets silent after that. "Mommy-" "not another word about your father" I tell them. They nodded. "Mommy did you and Daddy get in a fight?" Eren asked. I glared at him. "What? It's about you and Daddy not just daddy" he states. I rolled my eyes. "Yes we did sweety but I'm sure he is fine" I say. "I'm sure of it" I mumbled.

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