Chapter 21

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Mikasa's POV




"Er-" "Mikasa wake up!" Armin yelled in my face as my heavy eyelids rolled over and met Armin's worried deep blue ocean eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked while gazing at me intensively.

I frowned once I noticed how worried he was. "I'm okay, I just.." I trailed off not wanting to finish.

No doubt I missed Eren. I've been going through hell without him. I've been raped and whipped and tortured countlessly by Reiner. Armin takes some hits for me but at some point if Armin keeps taking hits for me his body will give out on him. Armin is weak and fragile but he's been taking heavy damages and his wounds are really severe. We used part of our clothes to wrap up the worst wounds when Armin ran out of handkerchiefs.

I was sent in a daze trying to think I was with Eren when in reality I was here being tortured by Reiner when he left.

I thought it make me feel better but honestly it made Armin think I was crazy.

"Mikasa, you lost to many blood your a bit weary" he states frantically while hoisting me up against the cold, wooden wall of the small shack.

"I'm fine" I say, my voice was raspy and hoarse.

"No your not, your slowly dying Mikasa, how long have you been in here??" He asked worriedly. "About 1-2, maybe 3 weeks" I recall.

"We need to get you out, surprisingly your still alive I mean a human can't live for about 3 weeks without food and 8-10 days from water, Mikasa you need something to eat!" He remarks.

"I'm fine" I managed to say. Truth was, I was so weak. I guess Armin was right. I was slowly dying. I haven't eaten or drink in a long time and slept uncomfortably due to the fact I'm being hit constantly before and after bed and sleeping on a cold, wooden floor for about 4 hours a night. I couldn't take it anymore.

If my body keeps up at these harsh conditions no doubt in under 3 days I'll probably be dead.

"Come on we got to get you out" Armin suggested while standing up.

"No we can't leave, he'll see us and try to kill us" I protest. "If we don't do something about your health your going to die Mikasa! You have a family and husband that's all dear to you, you didn't give up on Eren back then with Jean and I'm sure as hell you won't give up now!" He opposed. He takes no chances and pulls me up to my feet but I immediately fell back down.

I let out a low sob. "Armin, I can't" I say while sniffing as I slowly feel the tears trickle and well up in my eyes. "I'll try to get us a way out, just stay put" he tells me and walks over to the door while I lay down watching.

He tries drastically to push down the locked, wooden door with his arms which I'm sure he learned in hand-to-hand combat.

But every time he fails.

When I tried to lift myself up I noticed that I couldn't lift myself a inch from the ground. Damn I was so weak and my body was heavy like 80 pounds of cement. I probably have less then 3 days.

I didn't want to die like this. I didn't want to die laying lifelessly on a cold floor who spent her last days being tortured but hoping my love would come for me.

I wanted to grow old with Eren, watch my kids have a good, successful adulthood life, lay on my bed next to Eren as we go through memories of the past and tell stories to our grandchildren. Then before we know it me and Eren is dead, laying peacefully together and in a better place.

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