Chapter 92: Tour

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Andys POV:

I held Haileys hand as we walked into our house. She held Carter in his car seat in her other hand. I smiled as we opened the front door to find a banner hung in our living room reading 'Newlyweds!' We've even married for 2 weeks now and just got back from our honeymoon in Spain

Hailey put Carter down for a nap in his crib and came back down a few minutes later. My phone went off as she gave me a quick kiss. I pulled it out to find my manager calling

"Yes'm?" I answered

"Hey Andy." He spoke a bit tiredly

"What's up man?" I asked

"We go on a UK/Europe tour in a month." I ran a hand through my hair

"Who am I going to get to babysit Carter while we're gone? I'm not bringing him on a plane." I asked. I heard him sigh

"Your wife will because they can't come along." He sighed again

"How long are we touring?" I looked at Hailey who was making lunch

"Three to four months. Sorry man." I groaned tugging on my hair

"It's fine... See you in a month.." I hung up and tossed my phone on the couch. Hailey handed me a BLT sandwich

"What's wrong babe?" She asked noticing my distress. I kissed the top of her head and sighed

"I leave for tour in a month and won't be back until around mid October..." She looked up at me with a frown

"That's fine Andrew. I knew what I was getting into when we started dating. You go have fun touring babe. Don't worry about us." She leaned up and gave me a quick kiss. I could tell she didn't want me to leave

"I can call Jon back and tell him to cancel the tour." I stated. She shook her head

"And get half of the BVB army mad at you? Go on the tour and I'll see you when you come home, alright?" She hugged me. I sighed. We ate our food in a comfortable silence until we heard Carter yelling in his baby talk

I chuckled and got up to get him before Hailey could. I walked into his room to find him laying on his stomach holding a tiny stuffed elephant and hitting it against his mat. He looked up at me as I got closer and smiled at me. I smiled back and picked him up

"Hiiii little man. What ya got there?" I poked the little elephant he was still holding onto

He waved it around and said something in baby language. I smiled and swayed side to side. He laughed as I tickled him which caused me to chuckle

I saw a flash from a camera and looked up to find Hailey standing in the doorway holding a camera with a smile. I smiled at her and then down at Carter who was sucking on his thumb

"I'm gonna miss you little man. Momma better send pictures everyday and Skype me." I spoke in baby talk as Carter babbled. Hailey giggled and walked over to us. She kissed my cheek

"Daddy better call us every chance he gets and send US pictures everyday." Carter grabbed her pointer finger

He waved her finger around and ended up sucking on it. I turned to Hailey and pressed my lips to hers with a smile

"Don't worry, daddy will. He promises." I whispered when I pulled away. She smiled and picked up Carter as his stomach made a funny noise

"Mr. Tummy wants food!" She tickled Carter who giggled and they walked out the room. I chuckled shaking my head and soon followed

Hailey was putting Carter in his little bouncy seat and heated up baby mashed peas. Yes he's already eating baby food. He's developing quickly for a 4 month old. In a blink if an eye he's going to be 18 and moved out

Hailey fed him a couple of spoonfuls of mashed peas and then he sneezed with a mouthful of them. Hailey groaned as she was covered in mashed peas

I almost fell to the floor laughing and handed her a towel to clean up. She gave me the finger with a smirk. Carter giggled at her. She looked at him and pinched his cheek

"Oh you think that's funny huh? Mommy doesn't think so." She laughed and continued feeding him. I shook my head with a chuckle sitting on the couch turning on the tv.

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