Chapter 31: Laundry day

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Sorry for the wait! Was out of town and had no Internet. Hope you enjoy this chapter :)


Haileys POV:

I woke up wrapped around Andy and naked from last nights activities. I pulled the sheet up more and wrapped it around myself and Andy. The door opened an inch and Jake spoke

"You guys awake?"

"Yeah, what's up?" I yawned

"It's laundry day." He replied. I sighed

"Alright, be out in a bit." He nodded and left. Andy opened one of his beautiful eyes

"He gone?" He said with his deep sexy voice of his. I nodded. "Good." He kissed me softly and pulled me closer to him. I smiled and put my hand on his chest

"Come on, laundry day." He sighed and nodded slowly sitting up. I watched as he stretched his arms and how his muscles flexed. He noticed my staring and chuckled

"See something ya like?" I blushed and sat up next to him

"Very much so." I kissed his shoulder and he handed me my bra and such. He got up and started to get dressed in one of the few clean outfits he had left. I did the same. He wore a black MISFITS shirt with the sleeves torn off, a black beanie and black skinny jeans and his usual black boots. I wore a purple tank top that had a cross made of skulls on it with dark grey jean shorts and black high tops

By the time we were dressed and had all our dirty clothes together, it was noon. We all walked out the bus, locked it and headed into town. We came across a small laundromat and walked in. It smelt like a weird soap. The walls were a fading light turquoise and washing and drying machines lined the walls. I walked over to one of the old washing machines and put mine and Andys clothes in it. Andy poured half a box of cleaner in

"Babe that's WAY to much." I grabbed the box from him. He shrugged

"They'll be extra clean." I rolled my eyes and started it. The guys did theirs and we decided to get some late breakfast near the laundromat. Andy picked me up bridal style causing people to give us weird looks. I played with a loose string on his shirt

"How come you don't wear white?" I asked curiously

"I wear white shirts sometimes. Whites not really our thing, hence BLACK veil brides." He smiled at me. I sighed and played with his hair. Star was on Ashleys back again and they were deep in conversation

After eating at a Dennys we walked out and I turned to the guys. "Race ya to the laundromat." They shook their heads

"We're too full to run Hail." Jinxx said patting his stomach. I sighed. Andy chuckled and I grabbed his beanie

"Hey! Give it back." I smiled evilly

"Catch me then." I turned around and bolted for the laundromat. I heard Star giggle and Andy groan. Then I heard footsteps close behind me. I ran faster and nearly tripped over a ladys dog. I got to the laundromat and quickly opened the door but it got slammed shut before I could get in. I turned around to be greeted by a panting Andy

His hand was still on the door next to my head and I leaned against the door. He leaned in too and kissed me hard.

Andys POV:

I slammed the door shut with one hand and Hailey turned around with an evil grin on her face. I leaned in and kissed her hard. I felt her drop my beanie and then heard a small 'sploosh' sound. What the? I pulled away from the kiss and looked down. Water was pouring out under the door. I quickly grabbed my beanie and opened the door. Soapy water poured out soaking mine and Haileys shoes. We stepped in and closed the door

The water reached our ankles and I noticed our machine overflowing. I looked at Hailey who gave me a 'told ya' look. "Oops." I said shrugging

She playfully pushed me to the ground and stood above me "Oops." She shrugged smiling. I got up, soaking wet, and extended my arms

"Give me a hug." She shook her head taking a step back

"Andrew Dennis don't you dare." The guys walked in and CC slipped falling into the water. Hailey looked at him and laughed. I picked her up and laid her down in the water

"Andy you ass! This is cold too!" I chuckled and shoved our wet clothes in a dryer. The others did the same while Hailey and CC had a splash wore. I ran and then dropped to my knees sliding over to them like a cool rock star would on stage. Hailey blew bubbles in my face

After splashing a bit we got up and tried drying off. The dryer dinged indicating our clothes were dry and as we were putting them into our rug sack the back door to the shop opened revealing an old-ish man. He looked at the flooded floor and then us

"Out! Get out of my laundromat!" He came towards us and Hailey shoved the last of our clothes in the bag and bolted for the door. The guys,Star and I in tow

We ran back to the bus and caught our breath. Hailey started giggling and soon Star did too. Ashley and CC started laughing and soon enough we were all laughing at what just happened. If you think about it, it is kind of funny

Once we all calmed down, Hailey kissed my cheek. "Come on, we should get ready for the bonfire." I nodded and we entered the bus.

I'd Die For You (Andy Biersack love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora