Chapter 41: Kick ass

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Haileys POV:

The man left once more after 'round two' as he called it and I had a plan. I saved up some energy by not thrashing around as much this time and swung my legs up to the ceiling. I hooked my legs on the wooden beams as if I was hanging upside down from monkey bars on a playground

I brought my hands up and started twisting my wrists. I loosened up the knot a bit and then untied it using my teeth. I was free! I swung down and landed like Iron Man when he lands after flying. One hand on the ground, the other behind me and on one knee. Kind of kick ass if you think about it. I stood up and got dressed careful not to make much noise

I checked my phone and saw I had 23 missed calls from the guys and a ton of texts. I tried calling Andy but I had no service down here. My battery blinked indicating my phone was about to die. Looks like I'm on my own

I looked around for something blunt. The best I found was a medium sized wrench. Good enough I guess. I slowly walked up the stairs and opened the door. I heard snoring from the room in front of me. He was sleeping. Good. I closed the door quietly and creeped around looking for a way out. I found a door and unlocked it. Sadly it made a loud click sound that echoed throughout the house

I opened the door and saw it lead to the back yard. The place was filthy. Grass was over grown, weeds everywhere, just gross. The silence was amazing. Wait a second. Silence?! I looked over my shoulder just in time to see the man holding a knife and launching towards me

I tried dodging but he got my shoulder. I screamed as it stabbed into me. I turned around and swung the wrench at his head. Direct hit. He fell to the ground and blood slowly spilled out of his head and onto the tile floor. I pulled the knife out my shoulder wincing and dropped it to the floor. It clattered and sprayed little droplets of my blood everywhere

Then I heard the sweet sweet sound of sirens getting closer and closer to the house. I jumped over the man careful incase he woke up and bolted for the door ignoring the raging pain in my shoulder. I opened the door to find 4 police cars parked in the street in front of the house

A police man flashed his high beams on me. "Hands up!" I dropped my wrench and put my hands up. Andy came out of a cop car

"Hailey!!" He ran for me and I ran for him. We met halfway in the front yard and he picked me up in a huge tight bear hug. He attacked me with kisses and I could see tears brim his eyes

"Andy..." I pressed my lips to his in a deep kiss and winced as I stretched my shoulder. Andy noticed and looked at it. His eyes widened

"This bastard is dead!" He took a step towards the house but I stopped him

"Andy don't. Let the police handle it." Andy watched as the police entered the house then looked at me. I kissed him reassuringly and attempted a smile

"Hailey! Oh thank god you're okay!" Jake and the guys including Lauren, who now had a bruise on her cheek, ran over to us. Jake hugged me and I gladly hugged back

"I will be once we get to a hospital and away from here." He nodded and Andy grabbed my hand tightly. We got in 2 of the police cars and the cops drove us to a hospital.

I'll answer all the cops questions later. Right now I just want to get the hell away from that place.


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