Chapter 57: Distant

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I am so sorry for not posting much lately! I've super busy with school and stuff. Please don't hate me :(


Haileys POV:

Andy and I have been back from camping for a couple days and he's been super distant. He's always out doing something without me and hardly talking to me. I'm lucky if I can have a more than 3 sentence conversation with him. Maybe this is his way of telling me he wants space...

I packed up all my stuff from Andys room and decided to move back into my old room. Maybe he'll be happier that way. I opened the door to my old room and unpacked all my clothes and toiletries. Andy was out doing whatever he does and everyone else was downstairs or at the studio

I laid down on my bed and stared at the wall. Andy doesn't want me anymore. Maybe I'm getting fat and he doesn't like it. I do feel kind of fat... Maybe he's tired of me always being around

I started crying and went to the bathroom. I haven't done this is the longest time. Should I? I opened the toilet and puked my guts out. It felt terrible because I hadn't eaten much all day and was basically throwing up stomach acid

Jake ran into my bathroom and held my hair back. Once I was done, I leaned my back against the wall and faced Jake crying. He flushed the toilet and wiped my face with a cold wet cloth

"What's wrong Hailey? Why are you in your old room?" I sobbed even more. It felt like my heart was breaking

"Andy doesn't want me anymore Jake. I moved out of his room."

"Of course he wants you Hailey. He loves you." I shook my head and wiped my tears with the back of my hand

"Then how come he's being so distant and secretive? Tell me the truth Jake, is Andy cheating on me?" Jake grabbed my hand

"He's not cheating on you. I promise. He's just got a lot of stuff on his mind. Typical Andy stuff."

Jake pulled me onto his lap and stoked my hair. I laid my head on his chest and cried for what felt like hours. He tilted my head up

"Why'd you throw up by the way? Sick or something?" I shook my head

"I'm fat. That's probably one of the many reasons Andy doesn't want me anymore." Jake sighed and kissed the top of my head

"Please don't do that anymore. You're not fat. You're beautiful Hailey." I sighed and stopped crying. We sat there in silence for awhile. Not saying anything to one another. Jake finally pulled me up to my feet

"Come on, let's clean you up and we can watch some tv or something." I sighed and cleaned up my face and clothes. Jake held my hand as we walked down the stairs to the living room and sat next to me on the couch

He put his arm around my shoulder and I laid my head on his shoulder. I don't know what we were watching but it was a cartoon with a raccoon and a blue bird

I must have fallen asleep because I got woken up by Jake and Andy talking loudly in the kitchen. I slowly sat up and looked at the doorway. Jake sounded mad

"She made herself throw up because of you! She thinks you hate her or something!" I sighed

"I'm sorry! I didn't know this would be so much work and causing me to be away a lot." Andy sounded sad. Why does he care?

"You better fix this Andy. She's heart broken. She moved back into her old room!" I got up and stood in the doorway. They both looked at me. Andy looked worried and took a step towards me

"Don't Andy. It's fine... You want a break, I get it. No big deal." I walked away without saying another word

I guess we just broke up...

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