Chapter 84: Baby shower

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Haileys POV:

Andy woke me up and told me to take a shower while he makes us breakfast. I did so and enjoyed the shower immensely. I put on a pair of yoga pants and a baggy, yet cute in my opinion, t-shirt. I dried my hair and did my usual makeup

Once that was done, I went downstairs to find Andy setting a plate loaded with bacon, pancakes, toast and scrambled eggs with a glass of milk on the side. I pulled him towards me and gently kissed him

"Thank you. This looks amazing." He smiled and I sat down to enjoy the meal. I took a bite of bacon and it was like a food-gasm. It. Was. Awesome. As was the rest of the meal. I thanked Andy again as he cleaned up our plates

"The girls are going to be here soon so be ready." I nodded and slipped my shoes on putting my phone in my jacket pocket

Minutes later, someone knocked on the door. I opened it to find Star smiling. She pulled me out the door and I yelled a quick goodbye to Andy

"So are we picking up the others?" I asked as we drove off. She didn't reply and we soon pulled up to the complex

"Come on, they're inside." She smiled brightly at me. I shrugged not really thinking to much about it and followed her in

She turned the lights on and baby decorations were everywhere. A pile of presents were on the living room coffee table and the girls all stood around them

"Surprise!" They all shouted. I giggled

"What's all this?" I asked

"Your baby shower silly!" Lauren spoke up. I smiled and they pulled me to the couch. "Okay first games, food, then presents." She listed. I nodded and Ella pulled me up the stairs. She handed me a tray of many different baby toys and objects

"So rules for this game: quickly show all the girls this tray, hide it back up here, hand out paper and pens, and whoever remembers most of the items gets to hold the baby first, after you and Andy of course."

I nodded and took the tray from her going down stairs. I showed the girls and hid it back in Ella's room. I came back down and handed out the paper and pens. Ella didn't play because well, she knew what was on the tray. Sammi ended up winning

We played a few more baby related games and then moved onto food. The girls ordered 4 large pizzas, my favorite food. They all had an alcoholic drink while I sipped a Dr. Pepper. I ate about half of a cheese and green olive pizza while the others ate maybe 2-3 slices per person

I know what you're thinking, ew green olives on pizza? It's actually really good. Try it sometime

We finished our food and put our plates in the sink. I sat back down on the couch and Ella handed me 2 presents

"Ones from Jake, the others from me." I smiled a thanks and opened them. Jakes gift was a batman car seat, which I loved, and Ella's was a few pairs of tiny blue baby booties. I thanked her and the others shoved their gifts at me

Sammi and Jinxx got us a few tiny boy outfits and a set of baby bottles and pacifiers. Lauren and CC got us diaper supplies (butt wipes, infant diapers, powder, ect.) and a few baby toys. Star and Ashley got us a blue baby blanket with a few story time books and a baby biker outfit. Obviously Ash got the biker outfit for us

I thanked them all giving them a hug and we joked around for awhile. The boys came in a few hours later. I waved at them and Andy sat next to me

"Hey babe, have fun? What'd you get?" He asked and looked around at the boxes. I smiled

"I had a blast. We got bottles, pacifiers, baby shoes, changing supplies, outfits, a rad car seat, toys and blankets. What'd you do all day?" He nodded looking content with the gifts and shrugged

"Went to the studio with these guys, talked to my parents a bit, now I'm here. Glad you had fun." He kissed my temple and all of us talked for a bit until it got late

Andy put all the gifts in his car and I thanked everyone again before leaving. I helped put the boxes in the babies room and changed into my pajamas

Andy laid in bed in just his boxers and pulled me into him. I smiled as he pressed his lips to mine gently. He whispered a goodnight to me as I closed my eyes, soon falling asleep.

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