Chapter 13: Tribal dance

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Ashley's POV:

After getting to the stage, we got lead to a small room that had Jake, Jinxx and my instruments in. It was like a little warm up room. I looked back to see Andy smoking with Hailey on his back. Cute. Jake and Jinxx warmed up by playing awesome guitar riffs while CC played imaginary drums. His real ones were set up on stage already

I loved performing at Warped Tour. Hell, I just love performing! But Warped is probably my favorite place to perform. Why? Because its hot out and all the babes wear practically nothing! I get to perform, get free drinks and have a nice view ;)

I picked up my bass and played random chords while Andy did his vocal warm ups. Hailey sat on the couch looking star struck like she's never experienced being backstage. Then again, maybe she hasn't. I continued playing the bass for Perfect Weapon when there was a knock on the door. "Black Veil Brides, 10 minutes til show time." The guys all nodded and I double checked my paint and outfit

Black jeans, black cowboy boots, black BVB bandana, no shirt or vest and my guitar pick necklace. Perfect. My OUTLAW tattoo really 'popped' against my tan-ish skin. I'm not pale like Andy but I'm not super tan either. My hair was just right, for now that is, and my paint was good. Before I knew it, I was being dragged out of the room with my instrument by the guys and towards the stage. I could hear the fans screaming and shouting our names. We really do have the best fan base ever

Andy placed Hailey were she could see the stage and everything else perfectly. He kissed her forehead. "Enjoy the show babe." He winked at her and she smiled like a school girl. They were cute together. Almost as cute as Jinxx and Sammi or even Jake and Ella. We all ran out on stage and the crowd erupted with louder screams. I smiled as Andy grabbed the mic. "How are all you motherfuckers doing?!! You ready to fucking rock!?" The crowd screamed even louder than before, I thought that was impossible. We started with Knives and Pens, The Morticians Daughter, Die For You, The Legacy, Coffin and then Ritual. We were about to start Fallen Angels when Andy stopped us

"Alright you fuckers, I have a special someone here and I want her to sing this last song with us! Give a big 'Fuck yeah' to my friend Hailey!!" He pointed to Hailey and I saw her step back from the stage shaking her head. "Oh no ya don't!" Andy ran over picking her up bridal style and putting her down in the middle of the stage. I chuckled as a security guard from backstage handed her a microphone. Andy pointed at us as if to cue us. Hailey looked from the crowd to all of us and sighed. She finally shook her head but smiled evilly. She's gonna do it!

Haileys POV:

I can't believe I'm about to do this. I'm not going to lie, it felt good to be on stage with a crowd cheering me on. I felt a huge rush. It was fantastic! Andy smiled at me and started singing "Scream! Shout! We are the fallen angels!" He danced around the stage as the guys played their part and he looked like he was having fun. I decided to loosen up myself by banging my head slightly and walking around the stage sometimes skipping. Then the chorus came and Andy signaled for me to join in. Which I did and when I did, the crowd screamed and sang along. It felt fucking amazing! Andy and I danced around together, by dancing I mean walking/skipping/running past each other or stopping and banging heads up and down together

The last line of the song Andy was on one side of the stage while I was on the other and we both put our fists in the air. "WE ARE THE FALLEN ANGELS!" We screamed in unison. It was badass. I smiled as the crowd jumped up and down screaming. I dropped my arm and ran to Andy who was running towards me. We met mid stage and Andy picked me up in a huge bear hug. I laughed and hugged him back still getting over the rush of what just happened. He spoke into the microphone. "What did you think baby girl?" He kissed my cheek. The crowd aw'd and some gasped just now realizing I'm his girlfriend

"Of course I did babe." Again, people aw'd at us. Then his lips were on mine causing the crowd to erupt with clapping and whooping. What a show

The guys started heading off stage and I followed. "Have a great day motherfuckers!" I heard Andy scream from behind me before catching up with us. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and smiled. "Did you enjoy the show?"

I nodded happily. "I did actually. It was such a rush!" I squealed hugging him from the side tightly. I didn't care if he was sweaty and I would have paint on me

He smiled. "Want to go on every show and do a song?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me causing me to laugh. My heart fluttered at the thought of singing on stage with my boyfriend and favorite band every show. All I could do was nod excitedly which made him smile and hug me. The guys packed up the instruments while I walked around the stages a bit. I must have dozed off and wondered someplace because the next thing I knew I bumped into someone and stumbled a bit

"Oh geez I'm so sorry." I looked up to find Oliver Sykes with a new whipped cream mustache from his drink. I giggled slightly

"Hey, no big deal really. I always wanted a mustache." He smirked and wiped his mouth with the back if his hand. "Hey you're uh... Black Veil Brides new girl right? I heard you singing earlier, not bad." Oh my goddess! Oliver freaking Sykes just said I was a good singer! Eep!! I smiled

"Yeah I'm the lead singers girlfriend. And thanks, that means a lot coming from one of my idols." He full on smiled at that and nodded slightly. Someone behind him, I'm guessing one of his band members because I couldn't see them, called Oli over

"Hey, I gotta go get ready. I'll see you around?" He raised an eyebrow at me. I nodded and smirked

"Definitely, see ya later. Good luck today!" I turned around and walked back in the direction I came from. When I finally found our bus I stepped on to find CC dancing like a maniac around the living room making Indian noises. "CC what on earth are you doing and why did you start it without me?"

"Hailey! Come join me in the tribal dance of my people!" I laughed as he swung his arms up and down like an Indian on crack

"And who are 'your people'?" I started doing what he did with my arms and danced around the living room. I spun in circles and made the same Indian sounds CC made before

"My people are rock and roll bitches!!" He cried and went back to his little skipping around and flailing his arms about. I giggled and grabbed my shoe before tackling him to the ground and pinning him down

"Me Runs With Band, you Crazy Drum Man, you from enemy tribe!" I tried sounding like an Indian. It was funny. I held my shoe up high and swung it at his arms

"I'm under attack!" He screamed and made weird Indian cries. After struggling for a bit I tapped him on the head with my shoe

"You dead now Crazy Drum Man." I smiled as he pretended to die. He relaxed every muscle in his body and closed his eyes and even stuck his tongue out the corner of his mouthy. How cliché. I stood up and put my shoe back on when Jinxx walked in without all his paint on and in his usual clothes. He pointed to CC who was still laying on the ground pretending to be dead

"What happened to him?" He grabbed a drink for the fridge and cracked it open. I could hear the fizz of the carbonation, now I wanted one. What better than his?

I grabbed his drink and took a huge swig of it. "Thanks for the drink. And I killed him with my shoe." Jinxx went back to the fridge and grabbed another drink for him and nodded as if to understand

"I'm not even going to ask." He opened his drink and left. I went over to CC and opened his mouth and poured some of the drink in his huge mouth. He smiled and opened his eyes. He sat up and took the can from me

"Your magic juice has healed me! Truce?" He stuck his hand out for me to shake. I smiled and shook his hand

"Truce, now CC. You wanna go terrorize other bands performances?" I smiled evilly at him and his eyes widened with excitement

"Boy do I! Lets go!" He jumped up grabbing my hand and bolted out the door. I followed closely behind laughing

Time to terrorize people >:)


What did you lovely people think? Sorry if it was boring but it will get better. I promise!

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