Chapter 52: Surprise!

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Haileys POV:

It was Friday and Andy and I were finishing our packing for the trip. We leave in about an hour. It's 2:30 now and it takes about an hour or so to get to the camp site. After putting the last of my clothes that I got at the mall with Star, Lauren, Ella and Sammi yesterday in my bag, I took a quick shower

I got out, blow dried my hair and put on my usual makeup. Black eyeliner with black mascara and strawberry lip gloss. Once that was done I put on a pair of white jean shorts, a black BVB tank top with black converse and walked downstairs. Andy was holding our bags and looked up at me smiling

We said our goodbyes to everyone and drove away after packing our bags in the trunk of Andys car. We drove hardly talking to each other and listening to Andys playlist. When we got there, we parked the car and unloaded all our stuff. We carried our bags and tent stuff down a small hill near the lake. I put my stuff down and stood on the sandy beach as Andy pulled out the tent

A few minutes later I heard Andy groan and something fall. I turned around to find the tent in a pile and a lump under it. I giggled and lifted up the tent to find Andy tangled. I burst out laughing and helped him up. After I put up the tent with little help from Andy, I put out my sleeping bag and laid down. Andy crawled in and laid next to me

"What do you wanna do now babe?" I thought for a moment

"We could have a fire or go to the lake. Your choice." He smiled pulling me towards him

"Swimming, I want to see you in a bikini." He winked and I playfully pushed him away

"Fine, get out then cause its a surprise. For both of us." He chuckled and left the tent. I dug in my bag pulling out the bikini Sammi and the girls bought for me. My mouth dropped. It was black with a gold ring connecting the chest cups and gold rings connecting the front and back of the bottoms, very exposing, and kind of cute. It covered most of my butt and what it needed for my chest so it wasn't that bad

I put it on and tossed a baggy t-shirt on. I walked out and Andy had already changed. I gave him a questioning look but speed walked down to the lake. Him close behind me. I almost jumped off the dock when Andy grabbed my arm. I spun around to face him. He smirked at me

"Let me see your bikini." I blushed as he lifted my shirt off and dropped it by our feet. His mouth dropped and his eyes wondered my entire body

"Surprise?" I looked down and heard him chuckle. He tilted my head up and pressed his lips to mine. He wrapped his arms around my upper and lower back holding me close to him

Next thing I know, we're falling into the lake wrapped together still kissing. I held onto Andy tighter as we splashed into the cold water. We came up and pulled away from the kiss. I rested my forehead against Andys and shivered. Damn this water was cold for early August weather

"Swim around and you'll warm up angel." He kissed my forehead and let go of me swimming away. I groaned as cold water engulfed me. I did the breast stroke towards the shore when something grabbed my ankle and pulled me under. I screamed and gasped for air before going under

What made it worse was that it was lake water and I could hardly see under water. Suddenly an angry screaming face came into view. I swear my heart stopped for a moment before I realized it was just Andy screaming underwater. I frowned and he smiled at me. We came back up to the surface and I gasped for air

"You asshole. Are you trying to kill me?" He pouted and stuck half his head under water so all I could see was his eyes and up. I giggled at how cute he looked with his hair plastered to his head. He swam around me in a circle. I smiled as he got closer

"Now what do you want to do?" He asked drawing circles on my hips with his thumbs. I bit my lip

"Let's go back to the tent. Last one there stays on bottom!" I started swimming for the shore. Andy chuckled and swam after me. I got on shore and ran as fast as I could towards the tent but Andy ran past me using his damn gazelle legs. I finally got to the tent and stood next to a heavy breathing Andy

"Damn your gazelle legs!" He chuckled and grabbed my hand

"You looked pretty hot running in that bikini." I chuckled and opened the tent pulling him towards me

My back gently hit the ground and Andy was on me.

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