Chapter 60: Scare

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Haileys POV:

I woke up the next morning to Andy curled up next to me in our bed. I smiled and brushed some hair out of his face. Suddenly I felt sick to my stomach. I jumped out of our bed and ran to the bathroom to throw my guts up. Halfway through, I felt someone pull my hair back and rub my back. Once I finished I flushed the toilet and rinsed my mouth out the best I could. I turned to Andy and he looked concerned

"You okay?" I shrugged and held my stomach

"I don't know." What was wrong with me? I don't feel sick. I'm not on my period so... SHIT! My period! I haven't had mine in a month or so. Shitshitshitshit

"Go get Sammi for me?" I asked as calmly as I could. Andy gave me a weird look and left. A few minutes later, a tired looking Sammi walked in. I closed the door and slid my back down it till I hit the floor. Sammi looked at me curiously

"What's up?" I sucked in a deep breath

"My periods late. I just threw up." Sammi's eyes widened and she covered her mouth. I covered my face with my hands. What am I going to do? I'm scared shit-less right now. I'm only 20! And I've only been dating Andy for 4 months!! Sammi knelt down next to me

"Calm down Hailey. We'll go to the doctors and see what's up okay?" I slowly nodded and got up. Sammi left and I got dressed while Andy questioned me. I kept giving him short replies. I didn't want to scare or worry him. What if he doesn't want a kid? He probably doesn't. After I got dressed, I went downstairs and found Sammi ready by the door holding her car keys

"I'm going out with Sammi for a bit, be back later." I gave Andy a quick kiss on the cheek and left. Sammi drove us to the nearby clinic and I told the receptionist why I was here. She wrote my name down and I sat in the waiting room with Sammi by my side. A few minutes later a nice looking female doctor called me back and had me lay down on a rather comfortable bed. She told me to lift my shirt a bit and she put this weird gel on my stomach. She pulled up the ultrasound machines and started moving the thing around on my belly

"Hm. That's odd." Uh oh. I froze with fear. Sammi grabbed my hand

"What seems to be the problem?" She asked for me. The doctor examined the image on the screen for a minute and then turned to me

"Well, good thing is you're not pregnant Miss Fitzgerald but you seem to have scars in your stomach. They look infected." She pointed to some weird looking marks and I gasped. "You'll need to get that fixed, soon. They aren't too badly infected but if we don't fix it, they could become cancerous." I covered my mouth with my hand and tears brimmed my eyes. Sammi squeezed my hand

"When's the soonest it can be done?" The doctor left and came back a minute later with a notepad

"The soonest is next Tuesday at 10 AM. Is that a good time?" I slowly nodded and she wrote some stuff down. She then wiped off my stomach and shook my hand goodbye. I checked out and we got in Sammis car. I burst out in tears and she leaned over the center seat and hugged me. We sat there for a few minutes until I was somewhat done crying. She then pulled away from the hug and started driving towards the apartment. I wiped my tears and made myself presentable

Once inside, I had Sammi gather everyone into the living room. Andy sat across from me and Sammi and Ella on either side of me. I looked at everyone but Andy when I spoke

"I went to the doctors today... I thought I was pregnant." I stopped as I made eye contact with Andy. He looked shocked. As if he saw a ghost. I sighed again. "But I'm not thankfully. I do have scars inside me that are infected and can become cancerous though. My surgery is Tuesday."

Everyone was quiet.

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