Chapter 56: Planning

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Andys POV:

Hailey and I just got back from our camping trip and she was in the shower. I was downstairs with Jake and CC watching tv. Jake nudged me

"What're your plans for Haileys birthday man?" I shrugged and looked at him

"Thought I'd invite some other bands over, surprise her with lunch and uh... Get her a promise ring." CC patted me on the shoulder

"Kind of early for that don't you think? you've only been dating for 4 months." Jake messed with his hair. I shrugged

"It feels like we've been together much longer. I really love her. I know I'm making the right decision." I smiled

"Sounds good. Should probably start talking to the other bands and go get that ring." CC suggested and I nodded

"Can you guys help out? Ya know get her favorite foods, decorations, so on." CC nodded and Jake shrugged

"Sure." I got up and went upstairs to take my shower. Hailey was wrapped in a towel and digging through her drawer. I smiled at her before going into the bathroom

After taking my shower I put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a white Monster Energy shirt. I decided to leave my hair the way it was and went downstairs to get my car keys. Hailey noticed me putting my boots on

"Where ya goin' babe?" I looked at her. Think quickly Andy

"I'm gonna go get some milk. CC wanted some for his cereal." She nodded and walked away. Milk? Seriously Andy? Lamest excuse ever

I walked out the complex and got in my car. I pulled out my phone and started calling people. I told them when the party was and all the other details. Planning sure is a lot of work

I drove to the ring store after calling a few people and walked up to the fancy dressed blonde lady. She looked me up and down with a look. I shrugged it off

"Hi I'm here to look at promise rings." She nodded and led to me to a section of rings. I looked through a few until I saw the perfect one. It was a silver band lined with diamonds

"That one please." I pointed to it and she handed it to me. I paid for the ring and left the store. Thankfully not getting stopped by any fans. I stopped at the grocery store and grabbed a thing of milk so Hailey doesn't think I'm lying

After I got the milk I sped home and put the milk in the fridge. I collapsed onto the couch and curled up into the pillow

Man planning sure was tiring.

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